Episode 178: Gotta Catch Ya Later!

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With the Johto League Silver Conference behind them, Mew and friends decide to stop in Viridian City, before making the long journey back to Pallet Town. Of course, Molly has returned home to Green Field with her parents and Jen has taken the ship back to the Orange Islands and back home. Now it's Mew, Tomo, Misty, and Bock, along with their Pokemon in the group as they look over Viridian City.

"You can see the city from here!" Mew says.

"Pika!" (I know) Pikachu and Eevee agree.

"And there's the Pokemon Center," Misty says.

Suddenly, Brock gets excited, "Well, come on then! What are we waiting for?! Oh oh, Nurse Joy here I come!"

Misty sulks, "Gotta admit, he is consistent."

Togepi chirps happily.

Sparkle shakes her head in response, meaning some things never change.

Soon, Mew and the others are in the Pokemon Center.

Mew asks, "Nurse Joy, could you look after these Pokéballs for me?"

"Sure. I'll take good care of them," Nurse Joy says.

Brock then comes up to Nurse Joy with love in his eyes, "Let me introduce myself! The name's Brock. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or shall I walk past you again? Smell my fresh breath, Nurse Joy. It's as sweet as you are."

"You might want a mint," Nurse Joy says, sheepishly.

Brock sulks and sinks to the floor.

Then Mew says, "Nurse Joy, my name's Mew from Pallet Town. Do you remember me?"

But Nurse Joy says, "I'm sorry, boys, but this is my first week working at this Pokémon Center. But I did hear about you three from the Joy that was here before me," Then turns to Misty, "You must be Misty.

"Yes," Misty answers with a nod.

"I have a message here for you from Cerulean City. Your sisters want you to call them right away," Nurse Joy says.

Confused, Misty wonders, "Call my sisters? Wonder why."

Soon, Misty does call her sisters.

Daisy says on the phone, "Where've you been, Misty? We've been trying to reach you. I was afraid it'd be too late."

"Everything okay?" Misty asks.

Daisy then shows a few tickets, "Ta-da! Tickets for a trip around the world! I came in third in the beauty competition! And I'm able to bring, two others!"

As Daisy talks, Violet and Lily are seen in the background.

"We kinda figured you wouldn't be that interested in coming along anyway, so you can cover for us at the Cerulean gym while we're seeing the world!" Daisy says.

But Misty calls out, "Hey! Hold on a minute!"

"We'll be back, before long!" Daisy says and quickly hangs up.

"What just happened?" Misty says.

"I have no clue. It kind of happened quickly," Mew says.

"She deserved to win that trip around the world," Brock says.

"They're lucky," Tomo says.

But Misty says, "Well, I'm not! Why should I be the one who has to work at the gym?"

"But Misty, it's only while they're gone," Mew says.

"That's true," Misty says.

Nurse Joy comes in with a bicycle.

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