Episode 70: A Ghost of a Chance!

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Mew and her friends are walking down the road, and soon see their destination.

"We're finally here!" Mew happily says.

Even the Pokemon happily say, (We made it!)

"I can't believe it," Misty says.

Over the horizon they see Ecruteak City, home of the fourth Johto League gym. Mew and her friends have minimally made it at last.

Brock soon notices, "That's the Bell Tower. It's a famous Ecruteak City landmark. The Ecruteak City gym should be pretty close by there.

"It looks amazing," Tomo says.

"Come on guys, let's go," Mew says.

And with that, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee run ahead.

Misty smiles and says, "I don't blame Mew for being excited."

"Her fourth Johto badges are just a match away," Brock says.

And with that, the others follow Mew to the town.

Arriving in the city, Mew and her friends look at the structure of the town.

"This place is a lot older than I thought it would be," Misty says

"The book says Ecruteak City is deep in history and tradition," Brock says.

"Kind of reminds me of Husi Island in the Orange Island," Tomo says.

Suddenly, a blast of fire stops them in their tracks.

And a pink and blue dressed clown comes over, "I'm just the guy you're lookin' for."

"Who are you?" Misty asks.

"I'm Infernando, the fire-breathing clown and street performer extraordinaire," The clown says, and demonstrates his talent, "I summize that you lot are visitors to our town."

"How could you tell that?"

Well, if you lived here, you wouldn't be carrying that guidebook," Infernando says.

Infernando demonstrates his talent again, causing the group to duck their heads.

"Hey, cool it with the fire, will ya?" Misty shouts.

And then Infernando says, "Let me show you something you ain't gonna find in no guidebook." Then Infernando brings out a strange machine, "It's the last one I've got left."

Misty chuckles, "I should've figured you were some kind of salesman."

"What is that thing?" Tomo asks.

Infernando explains, "Exactly, only modified. This here's a treasure detector. Ecruteak's an ancient city, and there are all kinds of historical junk buried subcutaneously. All you gotta do is grab these rods and walk around until you hear the beep beep beep, which means you're standing directly over something that's valuable!"

"Really?" Misty asks

"For real?!" Jen asks.

"Cross my heart and hope to... Hey! Why don't you buy em and try em yourself, kid?" Infernando says.

"This sounds like a ripoff to me," Tomo says, and walks away.

"No thank you," Mew says as she and the others follow Tomo.

"Let's just get to the gym," Misty says.

Everyone else, save for Brock, follows behind.

" The gym?" Infernando questions, and realizes something, "That's what I forgot! The gym's the perfect place to use the treasure detector, it's built on the oldest spot in the whole city!" And turns to Brock, "How about a demonstration?"

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