Episode 118: A Promise is a Promise

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Mew and her friends are now in a real jam. First little Silver, the Lugia have been captured along with Mew by Team Rocket. And now Team Rocket has captured Silver's mother. What's more, unable to stop Cassidy and Butch's angry Pokemon and Silver's mother capture, Misty, Brock, Jen, Tomo, and Ritchie have been imprisoned as well.

Up on the surface...

"They Ritchie and the others too," Luka says, worried.

"Silver," Oliver calls out.

Oliver and Lanturn dive in the water before resurfacing.

"Don't worry, Luka! Let's help them, Lanturn," Oliver says in thought.

Oliver puts on a breathing device and heads out to open water.

"Oliver, please, be careful!" Luka calls out.

"Be safe Oliver," Molly calls out.

Meanwhile, in the Team Rocket aqua base, the mother Lugia tries to get loose while Silver cries out.

"A parent, child reunion. How touching," Professor Namba says.

Then turns his head to the others, "Butch, Cassidy, where is that other Lugia.

"When we arrived, we didn't see it. I could have gotten off while we weren't looking," Cassidy says.

"But as long as we have its trainer, it won't get far," Butch says.

"Good, for now, let's separate these two for a while," Professor Namba says.

"Right," Cassidy says.

Cassidy and Butch then take Silver out of the room as both parent and child cry out for each other.

Somewhere in the base, Mew's Lugia is actually hiding in the air vent. Mew's Lugia remembers how he's been taken into the base along with Mew and the others. Luckily, Mew warns Lugia that Team Rocket is coming, so Lugia finds a place to hide behind some crates. He is able to find an air vent and crawls in. Now, Mew's Lugia is searching in the base to search where Mew and the others are being held.

Meanwhile, still imprisoned in the cage, Tomo and the others have woken up, and try to figure out what to do. With their Pokeballs confiscated and them locked in the cage, they try to figure out what to do.

"Gotta do something, and quick!" Tomo says.

"I know, we made a promise to Lugia we've just got to keep," Ritchie says.

Tomo expresses his frustration, "First we couldn't get Silver out, and now they've got poor Lugia. Too."

"If we don't do something, Lugia might not trust anyone ever again," Ritchie says.

"There's no way we can let that happen," Tomo says.

"But, what can we do?" Misty asks.

"Since they took away all of our Pokéballs, it's gonna be tough," Brock says.

"And we don't know where they've taken Mew and the Lugias," Jen adds.

"There's gotta be some way out of this. There must be a way out," Ritchie says.

"Right, and we're gonna find it!" Tomo says.

The lights come on and Professor Namba shows himself.

The professor says, "Greetings, my young friends, and welcome to Team Rocket's command center. My name is Professor Namba and I'll be your host for the evening."

Tomo angrily says, "Why don't you just cut the small talk and let those Lugia go free right now?!"

"And let Mew go too!" Jen says.

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