Episode 41: Forest Grumps

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Continuing on their journey, Mew and her friends decide to take a little break in front of a lake.

"This looks like a nice place to stop," Mew says.

Misty agrees, "Yeah."

"Uh huh," Brock replies.

"Sure," Tomo says,

And Jen says, "Okay."

Soon, Mew calls out her Pokemon, "Alright! Come on out, everybody!"

Brock does the same, "It's finally lunch time!"

So does Misty, "And it's time to play!"

So does Tomo and Jen, "Let's have some fun!"

Mew releases Totodile, Cyndaquill, Chikorita, Bulbasaur, Noctowl, Zo, Sprigatitio, and Azumarill. Plusle and Minun, and Lucario

Misty releases Staryu, Goldeen, Poliwhirl, Psyduck, Golduck, Snorunt, the two Sentret and Mareanie.

Brock calls out Onix, Godude, Pineco, Zubat, Vulpix, Winter the Alolan Vulpix, Cherubi, Rockruff, and Grookey.

Tomo calls out Kangaskhan, Sage, Blaze, Aqua, Blitzle, Girafarig, and Ruffet.

Jen calls out Zorua and Zoroark, Lucario and Riolu, Hatenna, Flora, and the two Wooper

Soon, everyone begins to eat, play in the water, and have fun.

"It's great to have a chance to enjoy a little rest and relaxation. Isn't it, guys?" Brock replies.

"Sure is," Misty says.

"And the Pokemon think it's pretty great, too," Mew says.

"I agree," Tomo replies.

Mugi: Especially for having a picnic. I brought plenty of snacks and tea!

As the Water Pokemon swim in the water, the other Pokemon are taking a drink from the lake. Some also do some training, and others take a nap as everyone else relaxes.

Suddenly, everyone hears something and looks up to see a large beam of light approaching before it and turns into a large net that ensnares all the Pokemon.

Mew calls out, "Guys! Stay calm!

And soon, the source of the net is revealed to be Team Rocket as their balloon rises up, and soon begins the motto. As usual.


Prepare for trouble, it's our greatest plan yet!


Make it double, all it took was a net!


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.


Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight, FIIII-ght!


Meowth, dat's right!

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