Episode 151: Great Bowls of Fire!

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With a fierce determination, Mew finally begins her own long anticipated Blackthorn gym battle for her eighth and final badge with Clair, the gym leader. Meanwhile, Team Rocket was in the process of stealing the legendary dragon fang, which was passed down for generations in the Blackthorn gym. Their battle is postponed, and Mew and the others join forces with Clair to recapture the treasure. As they searched for their foes, Team Rocket entered the Dragon Holy Land and tricked the Dragonite there into aiding them in their evil plot! What's worse, Molly ends up getting abducted by the very Dragonite along with Team Rocket! As Mew and her friends watched them escape, a strange figure approached us from the sky. Were they to encounter friend, or foe?

As the Pokemon comes closer, Mew instantly recognizes it.

"Charizard!" Mew cries out with a smile.

"Eevee!" (It is Charizard!) Eevee says.

"Pikachu!" (Charizard!) Pikachu happily says.

"You're right, Mew!" Misty says.

Soon, Chariard comes down and practically tackles Mew to the ground.

"Yep. That's Ash's Charizard," Brock says.

Charizard then begins licking Mew's face.

Mew laughs, "It's great to see you too, Charizard. You haven't changed a bit!"

Then Charizard begins licking Pikachu and Eevee.

"Wow. We haven't seen Charizard in a while!" Misty says.

"I wonder why Charizard's here," Misty says.

"Wasn't Charizard living in the Charicific Valley?" Brock asks.

Kaburagi asks Clair, "Uh, Miss Clair? Are you anywhere near as confused as I am?"

Soon, another roar is heard. They all look and see Liza riding in on Charla's back.

"Hey, isn't that...?" Jen asks.

Liza happily greets everyone, "Hi, guys! How's everyone doing?!"

"Liza!" Mew and Clair happily call out.

Both look at each other puzzled.

"You know her, too?" Clair asks.

Charla soon lands.

"Long time, no see!" Liza says, and gives a hi-fives Clair as she talks.

"You look great, Liza," Clair says.

"It's wonderful to see you again," Kaburagi says.

"Same here, the feeling is mutual," Liza says, "I didn't realize I'd be seeing Mew down here. No wonder Charizard couldn't wait to land."

It's nice to..." Mew says.

Brock interrupts, "Hi there. It's been a long time. Since we last parted, I've been filled with sadness and longing and, you know, just..."

Misty comes in and covers his mouth, "But mostly, he's been filled with baloney." chuckles sheepishly, "Sorry." and pulls Brock away.

Clair turns to Mew's Charizard, "So are you saying that this Charizard actually used to be Mew's Pokémon?"

"Mmm-hmm," Liza says, "But Charizard and I have been training for a while now."

Confused, Mew asks, "Clair, I don't get it. How did you get to know my Charizard?"

"Liza and I have known each other since we were little girls, and she brings the Charizard here from Charicific Valley every once in a while, so that they can train," Clair says.

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