Episode 115: Hi Ho Silver... Away!

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Soon enough, Mew and her friends arrive at the forth and final island of the Whirl Islands, Silver Rock Isle. With the mysterious Pokemon on their minds, they plan to learn more about it, along with a little sightseeing for clues. They find different items that are all Silver Wing themed.

"I can believe how much stuff there is with the mark of the Silver Wing on it," Misty says.

"They even have cookies shaped like Silver Wings," Jen says.

"Okay, one guess as to what the main attraction is on this island," Brock says.

"Well I just can't stop thinking about that mysterious Pokémon, so I'm gonna keep my eyes wide open, just in case we find some more clues," Mew says.

"Pika," (Me too.) Pikachu says.

And Eevee says, "Eevee." (Me three.)

Just then, a salesman approaches them, "Strangers, welcome! My fine young friends, it seems obvious to me that you demand nothing but the finest, and when it comes to jewelry, there's nothing finer than these!"

"Then, what?" Mew questions.

The salesman says, "Just take a look at this quality. Each item is handmade from 100% Silver Rock stone!" And approaches them, "Buy two and get one free! Now tell the truth, folks, isn't that amazing?!""

"Uh, you see... It's just... Well... The thing is." Mew says, sheepishly.

Suddenly, a woman approaches between them, "Excuse me, I'd like to take a look."

She then grabs the Silver Wing and breaks it in half, Mew and her friends say in shock.

The salesman exclaims, "What?! How dare you!"

But the woman says, "See? If this was pure Silver Rock stone, it wouldn't have snapped in half! I should probably call the police."

"No! No need!" The Salesman panics and runs off.

"That's the fifth phony I've caught just this week!" The woman says.

The woman in question has long dark blue hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and wearing a yellowish orange jacket with a brown shirt. She appears to be wearing a pin on the jacket.

"But, how could you tell it was a fake from so far away?" Jen asks.

"Real Silver Rock stone has a brilliant shine and would never break in two," The woman says, and demonstrates with her pin, "See?"

"Wow! Look at that!" Mew says

The woman says, "You're looking at one of the hardest and most beautiful substances in all the world that can only be found right here on this very island."

So I bet that's why they call it Silver Rock Isle, right?" Brock says.

The woman chuckles, "Right, you got it."

Soon, the woman takes them to her store.

The woman introduces herself, "I'm Ariene, and welcome to my little gift shop."

I'm Mew, nice to meet you," Mew says.

Pikachu happily says, "Pikachu." (Hello there.)

"Vee," (Hi.) Eevee says.

Then Misty introduces herself, "I'm Misty, and this is Togepi and Sparkle.

"I'm Tomo, and these are my friends, Meloetta and Skwovet," Tomo says.

"My name is Jen and this is Amaura," Jen says.

"I'm Molly," Molly says.

Soon, Brock approaches Ariene, "My lovely Ariene, I'm Brock. Beauty. You surround yourself with such beauty, but all of this cannot compete with the beauty that is you. And as one earring is lost without its mate, so am I lost without you..."

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