Episode 88: The Poke-Spokesman

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Mew and her friends continue on their way to Olivine City so Mew can compete for her next Gym badge. However, Pikachu begins to show sighs of exhaustion.

And is growing very tired as he says, "Pi...pika..." (Can't keep going...go...on without me...)

The group soon notices as Pikachu collapses on the floor.

"Pikachu seems to be tired out," Misty says.

"Yeah, Pikachu looks a little tired," Mew says.

Pikachu tries to show that he's fine, but fails and falls on his bottom.

"Something's wrong," Jen sadly says.

"Maybe Pikachu is just tired from walking through the mountains all day," Brock suggests.

But Pikachu says, "Pika." (Not quite.)

"Not quite? So is it something else?" Mew questions.

"You are correct miss," A voice says.

The group turns to see a slightly elderly man sitting on a rock. He has a gray ponytail and eyebrows, and slight tan skin. He wears a dark green jacket, gray pants, brownish yellow shirt, and brown shoes.

"The soil in this area contains minerals that absorb electrical energy," The man says.

"How can minerals absorb energy?" Brock asks.

"Very easily," The man says and approaches the group, "Those Pikachu belong to you, young lady?"

"Yes, he does," Mew says.

Suddenly, the old man starts talking like a Pikachu, to their surprise, Pikachu, Mew, and even Tomo can understand him. The man continues to speak to Pikachu as Pikachu talks back.

"Just as I suspected. Your friend has lost a lot of energy. And if you don't do something fast, he will collapse. I have a little rest stop down the road a bit, follow me," The man says.

The man then asks Pikachu a question, and Pikachu answers.

"I'm afraid your friends are too weak to walk there," The man says.

Surprised, Misty asks, "How did you know that? How can you tell?"

"Because that's what Pikachu told me," The man says.

"Pikachu told you?" Molly asks.

"You mean, you understand Pokemon like me and Tomo do?" Mew asks.

"If you have the same gift I do, then yes. I happen to speak fluent Pokemon," The man says.

The group is actually shocked, especially Mew and Tomo. They're shocked to hear that someone can understand them.

At a rest stop, Team Rocket is there having a break.

"So nice to have a relaxing, refreshing cup of tea," Jessie says.

"And with these outfits, we got the senior citizen discount. Unfortunately, we're nearly out of money again and we have to think of a way to get some," James says.

"Don't worry, I'll tink of somethin. But I'll think a lot better after I eat!" Meowth says, and begins to chow down on his food.

Until he looks to his left to see Mew and her friends are heading their way.

"Here come the twoips!" Meowth says.

"We better hide!" Jessie says.

Her teammates agree, "Right!"

Team Rocket proceeds to hide under the bench they were sitting on.

The man then says, "Once you get to the bottom of the mountain, you'll find a Pokemon Center and you can have Nurse Joy do all her medical tests, but, for now, you can use my rest stop here and recharge Pikachu's electrical reserves."

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