Episode 107: Fly Me to the Moon

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After reaching Blue Point Isle in the Whirl Islands, Mew and her friends are now traveling to Bluefinland, a city in the Blue Point Isle. The gang is now walking along the coast of the island.

When Misty spots something on the water, "Hey, over there! Look!"

Everyone looks to see where Misty is looking at. They all see a group of Pokemon swimming in the water.

Misty counts, "One, two, three, four Corsola!"

"Where're they going?" Mew asks.

"By the looks of it, I'd say we're going to Pudgy Pidgey Isle," Brock says, looking at the guidebook.

With sparkling eyes and blushing cheeks, Misty says, "Oh, Corsola. Oh, Corsola. Wherefore art thou swimming off to, my lovely little Corsola?" and becomes determined, "I just gotta catch a Corsola!" and searches around, "Now all I need is a boat. Wherefores a boat?"

Suddenly, someone says, "Boat won't get you there, miss."

Everyone looks back and sees a man wearing a bluish-gray shirt, a hat and goggles and has a backpack on his back. He also has blue hair.

"It's whirlpool season," The man says.

"Pika?" (Whirlpool?) Pikachu says.

Eevee adds, "Eevee." (Season.)

Everyone looks and spots some whirlpools.

"Bout the only thing that can make it to Pudgy Pidgey Isle without getting caught in a whirlpool is with those Corsola," The man says.

Disappointed, Misty says, "I wish I had one. If only I had wings. I could fly to that island. My kingdom for some wings!"

The man places his backpack down and says, "Well, I can't give you wings, but I can get you to the island.

"Oh, really? Do you mean it?" Misty asks.

"Pudgy Pidgey Isle is home to some very unique Pokémon, and I'm their caretaker, so I was on my way over there," The man says.

"Unique Pokémon?" Tomo says, confused.

"Well, kinda unique, anyway," The guy says.

"Do you mean these?" Brock questions, looking at the guidebook.

Everyone looks in the guidebook and sees a picture of a Pidgey, but it's larger and pudgy.

"That just looks like a regular old Pidgey," Jen says.

"Only bigger," Molly adds.

"Yes. Yes, it does, but when you see them, you'll agree that there is something different," The man says.

Soon, the man shows them to a rope bridge to avoid the swirling whirlpools below.

"We're going to cross this?!" Brock asks, shocked.

"Well, if you rather take a chance with those whirlpools..." The man says.

"I rather go on the bridge than take my chances with the whirlpool," Mew says.

Misty agrees, "Fine. Let's go!"

Misty starts walking across as the bridge creaks.

"Keep walking. It's for a Corsola," Misty says.

Just then, a strong gust of wind soon blows by, causing the bridge to wrap around and round before going back again and sending everyone flying to the other side. And feel pain from the landing.

The man gets up and says, "Well. Here we are. Welcome to Pudgy Pidgey Isle!"

He then calls out, "Come on out now! I brought lots of food!"

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