Episode 69: Houndoon's Special Delivery

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Mew, Misty, Brock, Tomo, Jen, Molly and their Pokemon friends continue on the road across the Johto Region and to the next Pokemon Gym. They continue their travels through serious mountains.

Seeing the scenery, Brock says, "That's a really beautiful sight, isn't it, guys? The scenery around here is picture perfect."

"It's like a postcard," Misty says.

"Yeah, and it's so quiet and peaceful here, too," Mew says.

The Pokemon happily agree. Suddenly, everyone hears something and turns their heads to see a Pokemon running down a path.

It's a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon with black fur, a long orange snout, and an orange underbelly. It has small red eyes and a black nose. Around its neck is a white band with a small skull-shaped pendant on its throat. There are two white bands on each of its ankles, as well as three rib-like ridges on its back. It has a long, skinny tail with a triangular tip and three clawed toes on each paw. Atop its head is a pair of long, curved gray horns.

"Is that a Pokemon?" Molly asks.

"I think it is," Jen says.

"I think it's a Houndoom," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Houndoom, the Dark Pokémon on. The evolved form of Houndour. A Dark and Fire Type. Houndoom's eerie howl is said to cause those who hear it to shudder in fear.

"Guess a scary Pokemon needs a scary howl," Tomo replies.

And Brock says, "This Houndoom must belong to somebody, Tomo, because it's carrying some kind of bag on its back."

"It looks like it's delivering something to somebody," Mew says.

"I sure wouldn't like to be the one to get that delivery," Misty says

Meanwhile, Team Rocket flies through the mountain range.

Jessie sighs, "Just listen to that sweet mountain song."

"Just feel the free, fresh mountain air as it rushes through your hair," James says.

"Just tink... We made tree cups of tea from only one teabag," Meowth says.

All three are enjoying their tea.

Until Jessie realizes something, "What's the matter with us?! This has to stop! It's all wrong!"

"What's wrong?" James asks.

Meowth: You don't like my tea?" Meowth questions.

Jessie angrily says, "This is no time for sipping and drifting and dreaming! We're acting like a bunch of pink-slip dot-com slackers!

Both James and Meowth quickly realize that Jessie is right.

"You're absolutely right! We've been totally ignoring our Team Rocket responsibilities!" James cries out.

And Meowth says, "Da boss sent us to bring back some rare and valuable Pokémon, and we're gonna do it one a' dese years!"

And James soon spots familiar faces through the binoculars, "Oh! Luck has struck! It's the twerp and her Pikachu and Eevee!"

"Let's keep it simple this time. Just take one Pokémon at a time," Jessie happily says.

Meowth also says, "Nuttin' fancy, just a tried-and-true sneak attack."

Meanwhile, Mew and her friends continue to walk along the mountain.

"We must be up pretty high, my ears just popped," Misty says.

"Mine too," Molly replies.

"Yeah, we've been climbing quite a while," Brock says.

"I can't wait to see what the view's like at the top," Tomo says.

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