Episode 72: Trouble's Brewing

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After Mew's successful win at the Ecruteak win, Mew decide to have a some lunch and trying to decide where to go next for their journey

"So where's the closest place with a Johto League gym, Brock?" Mew asks.

"Let's see," Brock says as he gets out a map, "We're about the same distance from two places. Mahogany Town and Olivine City."

Then Misty says, "I have an idea. Let's do a little sight-seeing now and decide about that later."

"Yeah, we could use a little downtime," Brock says.

"I think it sounds like a nice idea," Mew says.

Just then Misty says, "Hey!"

"Hey, what?" Tomo asks.

Everyone turns to where Misty is looking at as she says, "This poster!"

"It looks like one of those old fashioned tea ceremonies. It looks nice," Mew says.

"Really, it looks boring," Tomo says.

"I've always wanted to go to one," Misty says, and turns to her Pokemon, "You'd like to see a tea ceremony too, wouldn't you, Togepi? Sparkle?"

Togepi and Sparkle happily agree as an Eevee wanders by.

The Eevee calls out, "Eevee! Ee!" (?)

Everyone turns to see the Eevee in question.

Misty gets excited, "Oh, look, guys! It's an adorable little Eevee!" She rushes over and picks Eevee up, "Well, how do you do there, you cutie pie? Where did you come from?" and begins to hug Eevee, "Oh, you're so soft and cuddilicious!"

"Well, judging from its looks, it's gotta belong to someone 'cause it's been groomed," Brock says.

"I love all my water Pokemon, but it's nice to hug something fleecy and warm for a change," Misty happily says.

Then says, "I know." She then takes out her Pokeball and calls out her Eevee.

"Eevee," Misty's Eevee reply.

"Good idea," Mew says.

With that, Mew calls out Shiny Eevee and Eevee -Two. And Tomo calls out his Eevee.

All the Eevee gather to meet the new Eevee friend.

Suddenly someone calls out, "Eevee! Eevee!"

The Eevee turns to the sound of the voice and sees its trainer.

The trainer turns to see her Pokemon, "Eevee!" And runs up to Mew and the others, "I've been looking all over for you!"

The trainer who arrives is a young girl with magenta hair in pigtails tied with hair bands with pink balls, blue eyes. She is wearing a pink blouse, blur skirt, and yellow shoes.

Misty hands the Eevee back, "Sorry, it just showed up a minute ago."

"Oh, that's okay," The girl says, taking back her Eevee, "I only hope my friend here didn't cause you any trouble."

"Your cuddly, furry friend was no trouble at all," Misty says.

"All the Eevee agree.

"Well, that's a relief. Sometimes Eevee can be very naughty," The girl says, "Oh, I'm sorry! My name's Sakura!"

"It's very nice to meet you and your Eevee, Sakura," Misty says. Then introduces herself, "My name's Misty and these are my friends."

"Hi, Sakura. I'm Mew," Mew says.

Then Brock says, "And my name's Brock."

"I'm Tomo," Tomo says.

Jen waves, "Hi Sakura. I'm Jen."

Pokemon Journeys Season 3: Mew's Pokemon Johto JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now