Episode 38 Hot Matches!

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After a good night's rest, Mew and her friends set off once again on their journey to Goldenrod City. As they walk out of the Pokemon Center, a boy rushes over with his Growlithe in his arms.

The boy says, "Hang on, Growlithe!" and collides with Tomo and Jen.

"Are you guys okay?" Brock asks.

"You should be more careful or somebody could get hurt," Misty says.

"Sorry, but my Growlithe's in bad shape," The boy says.

"Looks like it lost a pretty tough Pokemon battle," Mew says, looking at the boy and his Pokemon.

"Yeah, Growlithe and I messed with the wrong trainer this time," The boy says.

Mew then asks, "You think that trainer would be up for another Pokémon battle?"

"Yeah, especially with that Pokémon," The boy says.

"Are they around here somewhere?" Jen asks.

"Yeah, they're at the Old Mountain Bridge, and if you're smart, stay away!" the boy says, and runs inside the Pokemon Center.

"Well, which way do we go?" Brock asks.

"I say we go the hard way, straight up to the old mountain bridge!" Mew says.

And with that, Mew and the others are heading towards the old mountain bridge.

"I wonder what kind of Pokemon this trainer uses? That kid didn't say," Brock replies.

Misty suggests, "Maybe a grass type or a water type...maybe even a fire type."

"Could be, but it could also be a Rock Type, a Ground Type... or even a Steel Type," mew says.

"Whatever it is, it must be really strong," Jen says.

"I'm sure Mew can take on that trainer," Tomo says.

"Skwovet," (I know she can.) Skwovet says.

Right on cue, Team Rocket peek out from the bushes.

"Well, the twerp patrol is having a battle," Jessie says.

"Yes, and even if they win, their Pokemon will be weakened," James says.

And Meowth says, "And dat's when we can move in and grab em all."

WOBUFFET!" (Absolutely.) Wobbuffet says.

"Must you always butt into our business?!" Jessie angrily asks.

"Wobba-Wobba-Wobba-Wobba-Wobba!" (Every single time because I'm obliged to.) Wobbuffet says.

"I was afraid you would say that," Jessie says, and calls Wobbuffet back to the Pokeball.

Then turns to James and Meowth, "Well, let's start tailing those twerps, shall we?"

"Aye aye!" James and Meowth answer.

The three villains turn and with a chuckle, follow the trail.

Meanwhile, Mew and the others arrive at the Old Mountain Bridge.

"Here we are, the Old Mountain Bridge," Mew says.

"I don't see any trainer," Tomo says, looking around.

Misty soon notices something, "Guys, look over there!"

Everyone soon spots a young girl wearing a mountain cap, pink pants, purple shirt, and has a bag. She also has blue hands. The girl turns to see Mew and her friends with her blue eyes.

Soon, Brock has become lovestruck again, "ARRRRRH!" Then rushes to the girl and takes her hand, "I climbed this mountain and found the peak of perfection!

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