Pokemon 4Ever: Celebi: The Voice of the Forest Part 2

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At a shocking turn of events, Mew and her friends meet Sam, a boy who ends up traveling through time from his past, to their present by a Celebi he rescued from a Pokemon Poacher. As they try to find it, Mew and her friends find the shrine and the GS Ball glows. After Piakchu and Eevee use their Thunderbolt to split the GS Ball in half, a Celebi mysteriously comes out and is now in Mew's arms.

"Wow. It's a Celebi, but it's a different color," Sam says.

"You're right. It's a Shiny Pokemon," Brock says.

"I can't believe that a Celebi has been in the GS Ball all this time," Misty says.

Jen picks up the two pieces and brings it over, "And it was locked up tight until we brought it here and Pikachu and Eevee use Thunderbolt."

Suddenly, the Shiny Celebi slowly groans and moves its head a bit.

"Look, it's waking up," Mew says.

Soon, the Shiny Celebi opens its eyes to reveal its large green eyes. It lifts its head up and looks to see Mew, along with Sam and the others.

The Shiny Celebi looks around and asks, "Where am I? Who are you?"

"Hi Celebi. I'm Mew, and these are Pkachu and Eevee," Mew says.

"Pika," (Hello.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Hello.) Eevee says.

"I'm Misty, and this is Togepi and my Pikachu, Sparkle," Misty says.

"I'm Brock," Brock says.

"I'm Tomo, and this is Skwovet and Meloetta," Tomo says.

"I'm Jen, and this is Amaura," Jen says.

"Hi I'm Molly," Molly says.

"And I'm Sam," Sam says.

"Hello... everyone..." Shiny Celebi says.

"It's amazing that you can talk to us," Molly says.

"It's Telepathy," Brock says.

"Are you okay?" Mew asks.

"I think so. Am I back in the forest..." Shiny Celebi asks.

"You are," We're in the forest outside of Arborville. You've been inside the GS Ball for a long time," Mew explains.

Soon, Celebi begins to float from Mew's arms and begins to fly around, feeling the air and begins to smile.

She happily says, "I'm... I'm free..." And flies around in excitement, "I'm free! I'm free! I'm finally free!"

Suddenly, Shiny Celebi becomes exhausted and begins to descend with a weakened expression.

Mew catches Celebi, "Easy Celebi, you just go out of that Pokeball."

"I am feeling kind of tired," Shiny Celebi says, and then her stomach growls, "And I'm very empty."

"Poor Celebi," Molly says.

"It must be hungry," Misty says.

"No kidding, after being stuck there for forty years," Tomo says.

"Yeah, but we need to find the Celebi that I went with. Where could it be?" Sam says, worried.

Just then, Shiny Celebi flies off on Mew's arms again and points ahead, "I sensed a Celebi. It's this way."

Shiny Celebi tries to fly a little farther, but begins to fall. Mew catches her in the nick of time.

"Take it easy, you just got out so you need time to regain your strength," Mew says.

Pikachu reaches to Mew's bag and brings out an apple.

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