Pokemon Heroes: Latios & Latias Part 3

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Meanwhile, at the Pokemon Center, Latias arrives, still invisible, to find Mew and her friends asleep in their room. She slowly flies over to the balcony, but Pikachu and Eevee quickly sense her arrival as she changes into Bianca's form.

Pikachu calls out, "Pika!" (Latias!)

"What's the matter, Pikachu?" Mew asks as she wakes up from her sleep.

Eevee says, "Eevee Eevee." (Looks who's here!

"Huh?" Mew replies and looks to see, "Bianca?!" She gets out of bed and approaches her, "Hey, what's up? Why did you bring the eggs here?"

As she talks, everyone else wakes up from their sleep to hear the noise. Soon, Latias places the eggs down and hugs Mew in despair. Soon, Mew realizes that this isn't Bianca, but Latias in Bianca's form.

Shortly after, Mew explains to her friends the entire story and who really enters the room.

Everyone exclaims, "She's Latias?!"

"Right," Mew says.

Then introduces to everyone, "Latias, I'd like for you to meet my friends. These are my friends, Misty, Brock, Tomo, Jen, and Molly.

Everyone grows sheepish about it.

Misty nervously says, "Hi."

Latios isn'ts sure about it. She turns to Mew who nods in reply. Latias then proves it by turning back into her Pokemon form, shocking everyone. Latias soon saddens and turns to the eggs and stones.

"Latias, what happened?" Mew asks.

Latias then explains about what happened in her language, (Those two ladies who attacked me before somehow found the garden and attacked me and my brother, Latios. Latios was captured, but he gave me time to grab the eggs and stones and escape. I came here to find you.)

"They what?!" Mew exclaims in shock. Even Pikachu and Eevee are shocked.

"What did Latias say?" Brock asks.

"She said those two girls who attacked her before found the garden and attacked. They captured her brother, but Latias escaped with the Eggs and Mega Stones. And she came here to get help," Mew says.

"Oh no!" Tomo says.

Latias lays on the floor with sadness.

Molly pat Latias, "You really love your brother, huh?"

Latias sadly nods in reply.

Then turns to Mew, "Brrrrrrrruuuuuurrrruuu. (How are you able to understand what Pokémon are saying?)

"Well, I guess I didn't explain it earlier, but I can understand what Pokemon says, same with Tomo," Mew says.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

Then Mew says, "Don't worry Latias, we'll find a way to save your brother."

This makes Latias happy.

Back at the Museum...

Lorenzo and Bianca have been tied up by Ariados' String Shot.

Struggling to break free, Bianca cries out, "Latios! You've got to open your eyes so Latias can see what's happening to us! Latios! Please!"

Latias tries to open his eyes from his prison. Soon, the control pod comes down towards Annie and Oakley.

"This is the control seat," Oakley says.

"It doesn't look very comfortable," Annie says.

Latios tries to break loose, but can't.

"Oh no! Latios!" Bianca cries out.

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