Episode 37: The Totodile Duel

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Today on a nice and relaxing day, Mew and her friends are fishing in the river. Since it's a nice and sunny day, some of them are using it to relax and concentrate.

Tomo sighs, "It sure is a nice day and a good day to relax while fishing."

"I agree, but you have to be quiet while fishing," Misty says.

"Sorry Misty," Tomo replies.

Jen yawns, "I'm getting a little sleepy."

"I suppose we've been sitting here for a while, and we haven't caught a thing in hours," Mew says.

Brock brings out his fishing line, "Maybe we're using the wrong bait."

"How long are we gonna have to sit like this?" Tomo asks.

"I know it seems boring, but if we're really quiet, maybe it'll only take another hour," Misty says.

"Okay. I'll try to wait," Tomo says.

Soon, Misty's fishing rod shows signs that she has caught something.

Mew notices, "Hey! You got something!"

"Reel it in, Misty!" Brock says.

"Must be something humongous!" Misty says, trying to pull it in.

"Hang on, Misty!" Jen says.

"Don't let it get away!" Tomo says.

Soon, whatever Misty caught is near the surface

"I can't tell it's gonna be a big one!" Misty says.

Everyone continues cheering as she is almost able to make her catch. As the group cheers for Misty, a Totodile pops its head out of the tall grass to watch.

He replies, "To-tooooh!" (?)

"Steady," Mew days.

Finally, Misty pulls with all her might, and pulls whatever she has caught.

"I got it!" Misty says.

Brock asks, "What is it?"

Dumbfounded, Misty says, "I just caught a tea kettle."

"It put up a pretty good fight, though," Mew says, and giggles.

Tomo laughs, "That's a good one, Mew."

Then Brock asks, "Could you throw it back and catch a coffeemaker?"


Then shows determination, "But now it's obvious, I'm gonna have to use something drastic to get one!"

"What are you gonna use, Misty?" Jen asks

"My secret weapon. Introducing the Mini-Misty Lure!" Misty answers, as she reaches into her bag and pulls a fishing lure that looks like her.

"It looks like her," Brock replies.

Tomo asks, "It won't scare the Pokémon, right?"

"Watch closely, guys. You're about to see the dazzling technique of Misty, the water Pokemon master!" Misty says, and casts her lure into the river.

"Hey, since when are you a Water Pokemon master?" Mew asks.

"Well, technically, I'm not yet, but I don't like to get bogged down with technicalities," Misty says.

She sighs and says, "There's nothing more wonderful in the whole wide world than water Pokemon. When I was a little girl back in Cerulean City, I made a solemn promise to myself to dedicate my life to learning all I can about water Pokemon. Training them to the very best of my ability and always be their friend! I want to capture and train as many water Pokemon as I can, and that's why I'm hoping with all my might to catch one here today."

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