Chapter 19 On the way home

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The gas station on the way home is a place where fire is strictly prohibited.

This beam of fire, no matter who it is or for what purpose, is a capital "seeking death".

Lou Jingce slowed down, stopped approaching, and pulled over to the side.

"Are you still planning to go there?" Mingji got off the car with him. They were still far away, and they could hear the noise over there, but they couldn't tell what exactly they were arguing about. It's just that there is a lot of momentum and constant conflicts there, which always makes people deeply uneasy.

Lou Jingce knew very well that once people get involved, whether it's quarrels, drunkenness, or infatuation, they lose their sense of proportion and become unscrupulous and willful. The shrewdness and strength of the past, the profoundness of the city, and the respect for the elders and the young can all be forgotten. The brain occupied by hormones has deteriorated to the point where it is not as good as that of a monkey.

"Don't go there, find another one."

This is not the only gas station. This is how you should avoid risks reasonably.

Mingji nodded, agreeing that he had made the right choice.

The gas station is in a state of chaos right now. Several large trucks charge a lot of gas for refueling and take-out, and the queues for small trucks behind them are long, which can't help but make people complain. The house was leaking and it rained all night. They were waiting to refuel, but they were blocked by vehicles in front and behind them, but the zombies would not understand them.

We chased each other around the gas station for a long time. So many people failed to kill the zombies, but unfortunately some people were bitten. They were a young couple. Dark blood was flowing on the wife's arm, and she was about to deteriorate. Her husband was stimulated and was going crazy on the spot.

"Yuanyuan! No! This is not true! Wuwu..."

"Yuanyuan, hold on, I will take you home and let you stay with Junjun, okay? Wife, don't leave me alone, Look at me, look at me!"

"Go home, I want to go home! I want oil! Give me oil quickly!"


On one side is a biting zombie, On one side is a superhuman who lost his loved one and fell into madness. The people in the gas station are in a mess, like ants in a hot pot. They were concerned about the claws and fangs of the zombies, and they were also afraid of this man who seemed to be crazy, but asking them to abandon their cars and leave was actually almost like asking them to die.

Some people hope that men can kill those zombies, especially those who are refueling. They looked at each other and tried to stop in front of the man to discuss with him, but what they said could not enter the man's mind at all.

Putting on gas and driving home was his only thought now.

So, facing these people who were blocking him, fire appeared.

The conflict jumped three times in a row, and no one dared to let a fire-type superpower into the gas station. What's the difference between letting him in and bringing an open flame into a gas station? They heard his cry just now. If this person loses his mind, a spark will be enough to blow up all the people present to the west. A proper ten-death-without-life, not even a complete corpse would be left behind.

The gas stations are equipped with high-definition cameras, and Fanxing will truthfully relay everything that is happening to Mingji.

Mingji did not express any opinion.

He and Lou Jingce got back into the car and were driving away.

Lou Jingce was not familiar with the roads nearby and did not know where there were gas stations nearby. His mobile phone was dropped in the supermarket, and he was using the backup phone in the car to navigate.

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