Chapter 40 Everyone goes upstairs

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Zuo Dihua thought he had killed someone, and was at a loss what to do, wailing and crying.

"Calm down first! Look carefully, that's not a living person, that's a zombie."

Lou Jingce caught the big boy who was rushing towards him, held his head up and controlled it within his arms, but did not dare to let him pounce. She went into her arms and covered herself with tears and snot.

Lou Jingce tried to reason with him and let him calm down first.

Zuo Dihua couldn't believe it. He followed Lou Jingce and assisted in killing many zombies, but there were no zombies like Miss Changren.

Find a better reason to lie to people.

Seeing that he didn't listen to the advice, his ears were pulled by Lou Jingce. It didn't hurt but he wasn't used to it, and it was a bit annoying.

The touch on his ears successfully distracted Zuo Dihua. He lowered his voice, sniffed, and raised his hand to wipe away his tears with the back of his hand.

With tears in his eyes, he glanced at the nurse's position again. From the gaps between several metal door panels, a slender white hand was exposed, hanging down weakly, as if begging him for a way out.

The tears that had just receded came back like a tide, and Zuo Dihua reached out to cover his eyes.

He didn't know why it was like this. He didn't want to kill anyone.

The feeling at that moment was very strange. He was worried that zombies would appear from somewhere and catch him off guard, so he kept worrying about it. For a moment, palpitations seized my heart, and blankness swept through my brain, as if I had broken into a blank forbidden land, leaving only emptiness in my mind. When consciousness returns and wakes up, this is the situation now.

"Looks like he's scared." Mingji concluded, "Go and call his brother in."

In this situation, it would be more dangerous for Zuo Tanghua to stay alone in the car. It's better to act together, his presence can make this kid more stable.

Mingji pointed to Lou Jingce that the wheelchair under the zombie with its head cut off in the room next to him could be used just in time.

Lou Jingce nodded, opened the door and pulled the zombie out of the wheelchair. He wiped the dripping blood clean with the white cloth used in the office to keep away dust, then pushed the wheelchair toward the door.

Zuo Dihua wanted to go along, but was caught and stopped by Mingji.

Facing the big devil, Zuo Dihua sobbed without even daring to speak loudly.

"Don't cry."

Crying children are the most annoying. Mingji turned the child around with a push. He put his hand on Zuo Dihua's shoulder and put his forearm on his back, pushing him closer to the metal pile.

"If you don't believe what Lou Jingce said, then go and see with your own eyes."

Zuo Dihua turned his head in resistance, and the soles of his shoes made a squeaking sound on the tiles.

Mingji sneered and continued to restrain him, pushing him forward easily. The hands on his shoulders were like shackles, a force that Zuo Dihua could not resist at all.

Zuo Dihua felt that the soles of his shoes were making smoke from the friction. Mingji also showed him the big mop leaning against the corner, and then poked his forehead: "Do you look like that mop?"

Zuo Dihua: ... so angry .

When he got to the metal pile, Mingji poked him in the head again.

"What are you waiting for? Move all the metal away quickly."

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