Chapter 112 The situation continues

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Sacrifice brings about birth!

What a terrible word.

Just four words mean so much.

The weak are desperate for survival. Years of social and cultural influence in the past have left a mark on themselves and their thoughts. However, when they give up thinking and the bottom line of right and wrong, their reason is wiped out along with it, turning into turbid tears dripping on the ground and dripping into the dust. middle.

Propaganda and education to resist evil cults has been popularized in society before the end of the world, and has been promoted on a large scale time and time again, but there are still people who are willing to cover their eyes, think at a discount, wrap mummy white cloth around themselves, and put on a pious posture to call the gods.

In the past, Lou Jingce could not understand this so-called "superstitious" behavior of praying to Buddha and praying to gods. Later, he encountered a doomsday. The darkness and difficulties that he could not overcome despite his efforts in the past ten years gave him a little understanding of the so-called "gods".

The so-called "god" is the last light that one reaches out to grab in the midst of darkness, with no way forward, hands tied, and powerlessness and despair - it is the existence that exists in a trance or imaginary way at the moment of death - it is hope.

Hope, shouldn't it be like what is sung in countless stories and legends, a savior, a god, a supreme great existence... There may have been a voice shouting "wrong" in my heart, but look at the people around me who are also blindly obedient, sober and lonely. How can despair be compared to sinking with everyone.

After all, people always choose groups.

A truly independent and sober person will not wait in a cult for madness to turn into poison, corroding himself to the point of chronic suicide.

"You don't seem to want to stop it." Lou Jingce traced the sarcastic smile on Mingji's face with his eyes.

The coolness of his smile was like a No. 5 carving knife, carving a mark on his heart.

Mingji raised his eyebrows in confusion, as if he was wondering: What am I trying to stop?

"After the sacrifice is successful, won't the monsters spawned be very troublesome?"

Lou Jingce can't describe his feelings at this moment. He is worried that the monsters will become more troublesome, and only half of them can be accounted for. There is also some inexplicable indifference to those people. Making the wrong choice and paying for it with your life...has a bad conscience?

He is not such a soft-hearted Holy Father. Everyone bears the consequences and costs of their own choices. This is a matter of course...perhaps it is the empathy of fellow human beings that is at work.

Mingji, who has never regarded himself as a "human being", naturally has no idea at all.

"No." Mingji's gaze moved from his face to an unknown place in the air.

Lou Jingce knew that he must be looking at data that they couldn't see.

"Hmm..." Mingji held his chin and moved it, as if he was evaluating the current value and comparing it with the power of the weapon.

Mingji narrowed his eyes, and one of the numerical values ​​suddenly jumped up three times, which was really eye-catching.


He had just spoken, but immediately stopped, turned sideways, and took a step diagonally.

The sparks of fire suddenly burst out, like firewood exploding, and hurriedly brushed against Mingji's hair.

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