Chapter 93 Fire and Evil Gods

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Lou Jingce stared at Mingji who turned over and continued to sleep. He was not sure whether what he said just now was a lie in sleep or whether he really meant to do it. He didn't try to shake the person awake again and asked him clearly.

There shouldn't be much time left or right.

Fanxing detected that Mingji was resting and entered mimicry mode on its own.

Zuo Dihua and the others in the RV did not go back to sleep after they woke up.

Zuo Dihua sat in front of the window rubbing parts, while Yin Shenghan maintained the weapons beside him. Stars shuttled back and forth in the car, cleaning and tidying up. Only Zuo Tanghua was not in the car. He climbed on the roof of the car to loosen the soil of the roses.

Before starting to loosen the soil, he worried for a second whether he should throw it away from the car if a body was dug out from the soil, or continue to bury it as if he didn't see it. After loosening the soil, I found that not even a bone or residue was found in the soil, and there was no body at all.

Although I don’t know how the Roses dealt with the previous person, it’s good that they didn’t leave any trouble.

Everyone was busy with their own affairs, and time passed by unconsciously.

When Mingji woke up, Xingxing had already put the food on the table, and it was time to have dinner.

Um, or breakfast?

The sun occupies the sky for a long time, with continuous daylight and no night. The order of time has long been disrupted. Without looking at the clock, the senses of time have become dull for the creatures under this light. Even zombies that are active at night can't stand such a long period of sunlight, but as dead zombies, their reaction is not obvious.

Zuo Dihua opened the blinds, and his eyes were once again dazzled by the sunlight outside.

He turned to look at the wall clock, which showed the time was six forty.

He was in a daze: "Is it 6:40 in the morning or 6:40 in the evening?"

"It doesn't matter which one it is." Yin Shenghan handed him the spoon in his hand and glanced out of the blinds he opened.

When Mingji and Lou Jingce came down from the second floor, he was still awake.

"Indeed, it doesn't matter which one it is." Mingji took a sip of strong tea to shake away the lingering sleepiness. "There are still almost a week of these days. It doesn't matter if we can't tell. When it's over, the machine will tell us what month it is. A few days. "

A week! "

"One more week?" Zuo Dihua felt a little distressed about having to live a life of never ending a week.

Just a little bit.

How should I put it? At this time of the week, we are stuck on the boundary between what we can tolerate and what we cannot tolerate. A week is only seven days, fourteen days and nights, and the hourly count does not exceed two hundred. Just work hard and grit your teeth and it will be over, just treat it as a National Day holiday.

Everyone's face looked obviously better. Compared with the long and indefinite wait before, waiting for the sun to set, the limited time waiting was always much easier.

"Brother Ming, what are we going to do now? Rush into the granary and kill the guys inside?"

Zuo Dihuaku sat here rubbing the parts for a long time. After receiving such "good news", he couldn't wait to find a place to relax. sinews.

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