Chapter 28 Teach the stupid thief a lesson

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"Pop!" There was a slight sound as the door closed, and Lou Jingce suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at his watch. It was two thirty-seven in the morning.

In the dead of night, he got up from the bed with a gentle step. The room was quiet except for the ticking sound of the hands of the retro clock placed in the corridor.

Since the stars took over the care of the creatures in their lives, the maintenance of the furniture at home has also been taken over. Late at night, the subtle sounds of the machine's operation, which were usually still perceptible, were now silent.

Lou Jingce stood in the corridor on the second floor and listened carefully for a long time, but there was no sound coming from inside the house. He quietly walked into the study, and through the study window, he could see clearly what was going on in the front yard.

In the dark night, the stars that constantly flashed red warning lights were particularly conspicuous.

This was the first time for Lou Jingce to see stars with this behavior pattern. He was curious about stars with this type of behavior. He also paid attention to the inappropriateness found in stars.

Even though he became a superpower again, Lou Jingce was still very self-aware. Machines are more sophisticated than people, so the abnormalities he didn't notice were normal when the stars did.

He didn't have time to change his clothes. He just took out a thicker jacket from the space and put it on, put on a pair of shoes that were convenient for sports, held the umbrella and climbed over the window frame, propped it up on the eaves with one hand, turned sideways and bent his knees. Relieving himself of his strength, he jumped from the second floor window with ease.

There is almost no need to prepare in advance for such an action. Even if the body has no memory, after the brain inherits the memory of the previous life, it will be as skillful as if it has been done thousands of times. While he was jumping up and down, his heart rate remained normal, but he was cold. Even though he was prepared, he still couldn't help but shiver.

It's clearly still midsummer, but after nightfall, it seems to be back to the chilly spring.

Lou Jingce chased the red light, not far away but not far behind the stars.

The wheel made a gurgling sound as it spun on the ground, and Star's round head suddenly turned 360 degrees. The red exclamation mark on the display screen stopped flashing, and two electronic beeps were swallowed up by the surrounding wind.

Lou Jingce guessed that it should have discovered itself, but it still had to continue the original command in its system instructions. This means that in this mode, the priority changes from service to something else.

Follow the path of the stars, pass through the dense trees in the public green area of ​​the villa area, walk half a circle along the landscape lake, and soon return to the mainland of the villa area.

There are still lights on this road, and street lights are on every 100 meters. The shadows of the trees swayed with the wind and rain, and were dim and not very bright, just enough to illuminate the next halo of light.

Lou Jingce looked around. The villa area was deserted, and there were no lights on anywhere.

Lou Jingce suddenly remembered the electric power user. The line here must have been affected by a power outage. The street light was still on, perhaps because it belonged to the same line as the villa's electricity and was exposed to bright light.

What is ridiculous is that the security system of the villa area does not seem to be on the same line as these public measures and the electricity used by the residents of the villa area.

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