He meets your family for the first time

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Y/M/N = Your mother's name
Y/F/N = your fathers name
Y/N = your name

Your POV

"Justin hurry up! The cookout already started." You groaned looking at the time on my watch.

"I can't decide on which one I should wear my gold Rolex or my black Rolex." He said holding them up.

"The black one now let's go!" You laughed.

He threw the gold Rolex on the bed placing the black Rolex on his watch. "How do I look?" He asked.

"Perfect." You mumbled kissing his lips.

"I hope your parents like me." He sighed grabbing my hand.

"Baby please they will love you.. Trust me." You said grabbing his hands.

*At your parents house*

We got out the car walking towards the front door & You felt Justin grip my hand tighter. Then you knock on the door.

"Coming!" You heard you mom yell.

The door was opening. "Y/N" you mom said pulling you into a hug.

"Hi mom." You laughed. "Mom this is Justin.. Justin this is Y/M/N" you said introducing them.

"Justin! Such a pleasure to meet you finally
Y/N talks so much about you." Your mom said laughing.

"Oh she does." Justin said smirking at me making you give him the a look.

"Y/F/N!! Y/N and Justin are here!" Your mom yelled inviting you guys into the house.

After a while Justin met your family and they really enjoyed his company. Your dad gave Justin the "If you heart my daughter, I'll hurt you 10x worse." talk and Justin understood. You seen Justin laughing & talking with your family & you walk over to him hugging him from behind.

"Hey babe." He said smiled bringing you towards him kissing your lips.

"You got a keeper here Y/N I suggest you hold onto this one." Your mother told you sternly.

"Oh don't worry she isn't going anywhere." Justin said kissing your forehead holding you tighter

After your parents cookout you & Justin went home. "See babe what were you all worried about?" You said kissing his lips.

He nodded smirking looking at you biting your lip. "Yeah & next time could you not wear that dress." He said biting his lip picking you up running inside closing the door behind him making you squeal in laughter.

HEY LOVELIES! This is my first imagines... I know it sucks but it's my first one but what do you guys think? Also if you have any requests let me know 💕

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now