The Photoshoot

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BEFORE I START LET ME JUST SAY THIS PHOTOSHOOT IS KILLING ME! LIKE DAMN! HES SO FREAKEN 😍😍😍😫✋🏽 okay let me stop & let's get on with the imaaaagine 👀😂


You were scrolling through your Instagram & you were following some Justin Bieber fan pages when you came across a picture of Justin, actually a few pictures of Justin.

Justin's photoshoot with Martha Stewart called "Interview" the caption said.

You texted Hailey to see if they knew about this.


"😂😂😂😂 yes I did."

"Why didn't you tell me?! 😒✋🏽"

"I thought he told you? 😳"

"No he didn't 😐😒"



"Babe?" Justin called through the house walking in.

You got up with your phone clutched in your hand stomping your feet at the ground walking towards Justin. "don't you BABE me!" You said sternly.

"Okay I'm confused here? Did I do something wrong?" Justin asked looking around.

"Oh Don't Play Dumb."

"Seriously I didn't do nothing wrong." He said laughing.

You unlocked your phone showing his the pictures of the PHOTOSHOOT. "WHY DID YOU KEEP THESES FROM ME & WHY WAS I THE LAST ONE TO KNOW!" You semi yelled.

"I was going to surprise you. & you follow someone named "justinbiebertracker" he said raising his eyebrow at you.

(BTW my favorite Justin Bieber Updates Instagram and Here's my other favorite pages.. "officialbiebernews , justindrewnews, and theycallmejerry" they just keep you updated with wherever Justin is and his interviews and ect. ❤️)

"Never mind that... Why didn't you tell me!"

"It was going to be a surprise." He laughed.

"Surprise.." You said sarcastically and started to walk away.

He grabbed your wrist back. "But, do you like them?" He asked.

"Like? Like isn't even in my vocabulary at this moment."

"So you don't like them?"

"Justin! I LOVE them! And I'm pissed off at you for keeping theses away from me! I might just get a couple of them framed for myself!"

"Ehh, wouldn't that be kind of weird." He said laughing.

"Not like I haven't did it before.." You mumbled.

"What?" He said laughing.

"Anyways since your pissed off at me.." He paused before grabbing you waist pulling you into him so your face to face with him almost your noses touching. "Take your anger out on me." He whispered started to kiss your neck softly biting it gently.

You bite your lip... "Hmmm." You thought.

He groaned. "Fine...!" You playfully rolled your eyes.

He smirked and smacked your ass making you jump and he pulled you up making you wrap your arms around neck and your legs around his waist. He started kissing your neck before walking up the stairs.

"wait..." You said softly.

"Hmm?" He said still kissing your neck.

"I forget your parents are coming over.." You said placing your arms on his now shirtless chest.

"Then I guess we will have to make this a quick one." He smirked.

Hey lovelies! This one I got inspired by because I feel like Justin would be the type to defiantly try to hide a PHOTOSHOOT from you. But I would of flipped of out on Justin if he kept this PHOTOSHOOT from me! Like its like his dangerous side... Almost reminds me of Jason McCann 😏 but let me stop.. Before I don't shut up 😂😂 I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine & if you want a personal feel free to inbox me or comment. 💕

- Alicia

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