Gone Girl

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"Hope you enjoy this imagine, also can you go check out my new book called "My Life As Mia Bieber.. If you haven't 💕"

Breaking News: We have an amber alert for a missing girl, the name of the missing girl has been identified as Y/F/N... If seen Ms. L/N please contact 911 IMMEDIATELY!"

The news, the Internet, the paper... Anything you can imagine... Your posted all over it. Days... Months... Years. Have now passed since that day you had been abducted. And no one has yet to find you. They call you "gone girl."

You miss your family, friends but you know you can't never seen them anymore. You remember that day, from the back of you head.

You were walking home from your friend house.. Late night. Parents always working late so nobody could of brought you home. You live on this alleyway street. And before you hit the alleyway someone grabbed you from behind, covered your face with a black bag, and threw you in the back of a van.

Later on... You found of that man was.. Jason McCann, America's #1 Most wanted criminal in the United States.

It was rough in the beginning, hard.

You would never expect yourself to be where you are now. Dating your Kidnapper? Sounds crazy right.. But, I been here for so long I started to warm up to him.

Jason is bipolar... So you have to watch what you say to him. He could be all happy and smiling but, as soon as you say something that man would turn into a real scary person in 2.5 seconds.

"Y/N!" You heard Jason yell from downstairs.

You walked downstairs to see Jason and his whole gang siting there. He smiled wide and pulled you into your chest. He looked at you in your eyes and kissed your lips.

"Come on guys." Ryan one of Jason's gang members shook his head.

"Someone's mad they didn't get any last night." Jason scoffed and we all laughed.

"Yeah, yeah yeah well atleas-"

"BREAKING NEWS: Y/F/L after 3 years is still missing if anyone has found or seen her please contact the police!" The news reporter said and then my.... Mom and dad popped up on the screen.

"Y/N... If you watching this. Please come home we miss-"

"That's enough." Jason said lowly.

You looked at Jason with watery eyes. "Don't even ask Y/N. You know damn well the answer is no." He scoffed pushing me off of him.

"I-I just wanna see them!" You yelled knowing you should of never done that.

"Well too damn bad Y/N! Your never going to see them again so get over it!" He yelled.

"Now I'm mad."

He shook his head angrily and turned around everyone just kept there heads down on there phone or whatever. You turned around and looked at the door to see it was open. You took one more glacé and everyone before You started running towards the door. You then opened the door and kept running as long as you feet kept going. Did You bother to turn around.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now