Bad Days |Part 2|

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Justin's POV

"BIEBER! You got a visitor." The officer said. I looked in the mirror seeing my face now bruises over it with dried up blood. I sighed before he rechained me walking towards the visitors room.

He then opened the door uncuffing me, walking inside seeing..... Y/N with a sad look on her face.

I walked towards her and she walked towards me as and I quickly hugged her tightly and she did the same she placed something in my hand. "HEY! HANDS OFF! NO TOUCHING INMATE!" I sighed before pulling away looking at Y/N.

She looked at me the same way before sitting now. I looked down at my hand & it was a picture of me and her? "Why does she want me to have this...?" It was quiet for a minute before she spoke. "2 years Justin..." She whispered looking at me with my head down.

"I messed up Y/N... Big time." I whispered feeling my eyes start to water.

"And what happens to your face." She said touching it. "HEY WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TOUCHING!" The officer yelled grabbing Y/N's arm forcefully removing it.

"Hey!" I yelled standing up.

"It's okay, Justin... Calm down there assholes anyways." Y/n scoffed at the officer making him look at her and then walk away.

"Now... What happened I want the full story."

I sighed. "Okay, so me and Khalil went to the bar and we seen there's really hot girls I mean-"

"Move on with the story." She groaned.

"Okay, okay. So Anyways we rented some cars and the girls wanted to drive it so, honestly we were like half drunk we didn't care... So the girls decided they wanted to drag race.. And then we switched places and by the time I got in front I got pulled over."

She sighed. "Justin... Your so much better then this."

I placed my head down. "W-what about my career... My fans I let them down too.." I whispered now feeling the tears roll down my cheek.

"If they are really your fans Justin, they will still be there for you. Even though they might be upset with you... They will still be there your beliebers are the most loyal group of people I know."

I nodded then sighed.."I been here one day...and look at me Y/N I'm not going to survive in this place." I cried holding my head down.

"Justin, look at me." Y/N said sternly.

I looked up at her and wiped my tears. "Don't worry I'll-"

"Times up Bieber lets go!" The officer said grabbing me.

"No! Wait! Y/n!" I yelled as he then threw me back behind the visitation doors. I quickly got up running towards the door seeing Y/N with her head in her hands she looked like she was crying.

Next thing you know I was forcefully grabbed by the officer and thrown back on the floor. Making me groan. He then got me on my back and handcuffed me. "You been here one day Bieber and you caused so much trouble." He scoffed.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now