Lets Make An Exception

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Requested by: @MelinaAsap1

hope you enjoy ❤️

"Dada!" Your three year old son Anthony sat Justin's arms clapping his hands together placing with Justin's chain.

Justin smiled and kissed his forehead holding his hand on his back so he wouldn't fall over. "I love this you know..." He trailed off looking at Anthony so intrigued by the gold chain.

"I love being able to sit with my family..." He smiled at me.

"He's getting so big already." I pouted, "I know..." He muttered. "Next thing you know he's going to be off to preschool."

I sighed and nodded, "He really likes that chain." I chuckled. Justin seen that Anthony was trying to place the chain in his mouth before Justin grabbed it from him. "No An... You can't eat that."

Anthony stayed quiet for a bit before you see his chubby cheeks start to giggle as a cry and tears came out his mouth. Justin didn't say anything Except placed him on his chest and patting his back lightly.

"Want me to get his pacifier?" I asked. He nodded no. "He's addicted to that thing."

"Mama sippy." Anthony sniffled laying his hand on Justin hand holding out his little arm. You smiled and gave him the pacifier.

Justin looked at you with a chuckle and a head shake."Hey, it puts him to sleep." You pointed at Anthony slowly closing his eyes.

After putting him for his nap Justin placed him in his little bassinet as he kept his foot on it lightly rocking it back and forth. "So, when I went for Anthony's clothing... There was this cute little outfit and it was pink."

"Pink?" I raised my eyebrow. "Y/N it was literally the cutest thing ever..."

"What else did you see?" I questioned leaning on the couch listening him talk about baby stuff. "I actually had to buy it." He chuckled.

"You brought pink clothes for Anthony."

He bit his lip. "Is over there." He pointed towards the plastic bag that had Cartier's on it. I raised my eyebrow, standing up going over grabbing the bag sitting back down.

"Go on open it." He smiled. I opened the bag pulling out a pair of pink footies, a whole bunch of pink clothes."

Lastly I pulled out this cute little 3 outfits.

Lastly I pulled out this cute little 3 outfits

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"Justin these are adorable... But, you know these are for baby girls?" I questioned.

He nodded, "I know...its just I been thinking Anthony's getting bigger as the days go bye. And I don't wanna wait till he's 10 or 11 years old. I just... I want another baby Y/N there I said it."

"Okay." I smiled, "but you know... It's not our decision if we get baby girl or another baby boy."

"I know..." He grabbed my hand twining it. "The least we can try." He smiled wide before kissing my lips

Months later..........

********❤️❤️❤️ Love you guys

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❤️❤️❤️ Love you guys

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now