From 2 Different Worlds

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An:// I hope you guys enjoy this one, Honestly it's been sitting in my drafts now for the loooongest 😂...

You grow up, wanting to live the rich and luxurious lifestyle, wanting to be able to do whatever you want & go wherever you want because you got it like that. You look at other people like, "Man, I wish I was them..." You want to wake up & not have to worry about what your going to eat tonight or if you have enough money to pay the bills... Or even to just support your kids.

But then you realize, what is life if your were growing up with everything handed to you. Then what do you have to work for? Think about it... If you were born rich & could get anything you wanted then, what would you actually want to achieve in life? Everything you ever wanted.... you already have? So... Now what? Now I'm not hating or anything on rich people it's just my personal opinion.

Now, onto Middle Class & people who have little to give. They always say giving is better then receiving... But what if you have nothing to give? I'll let you think about that one.

"Y/N, can you please go to the store for me." My mother called me from upstairs. I walked up stairs seeing her laying in the bed. "Sure," she handed me the lottery ticket.

"Still trying at these, mom you know we can't be spending money like this." You sighed. "I know, I promise this is the last one... Maybe you never know might run into some luck?"

"Sure mama, I'll be back later okay." I kissed her forehead hugging her. "You need anything you call me okay?" I walked down the steps placing on my jacket and grabbing my house keys. I walked outside to a cold windy winter afternoon.

I looked down the NYC streets seeing the people outside shoveling the piles of snow on their cars. I walked down to the corner store walking inside. "Chilly day out there? Huh, Ms. Y/L/N?"

"As usual Mr. Brown." I laughed handing him the lottery ticket. "How's your mother... Haven't seen here down here in a while?"

"She's been good, I mean... With all the medicine they put her on... She literally feels no pain."

"That's good, and bad at the same time." He chuckled. "Tell me about it." I smiled. I heard the bell to the store ring entering a man with a black trench coat, his blonde hair slick back. "Who's that?" I muttered. "That's Mr. Bieber the world's most known and successful entrepreneur."

"What is he doing here?" I questioned. "Who knows?"

He walked up towards the counter, "Are you in line?" He asked in a chill raspy voice. "Yeah, I am.." I bit my lip turning towards Mr. Brown. "No luck?" He handed me back the ticket. "Nothing, today sorry.."

"Okay, well I better get going... I'll see you later." "Wait," The man grabbed my arm lightly. I shrugged it off, seeing him taking a bit of offense to it. "Your a very beautiful woman." He spoke.

I smiled and nodded, "thank you.. but, can I ask you a question?" He handed the man, the lottery ticket turning his attention back towards me. "Ask away?"

"What's a man like you... doing out here buying lottery tickets?" He chuckled, "Can't a man just try to win some money?"

"No, but men like you need to learn when you have enough, it is enough." I shrugged. Next, thing you know you hear bells go off. "Looks, like its my lucky day?" He smirked. "Great," I mumbled before turning around placing my hood up. "Wait!"

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now