The Runner |Part 1|

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Jason's POV

"Jason Drew McCann are charged with 29 murders in the first degree, 12 murders in the 2nd degree, and 7 in the 3rd degree. Over 20 the of grand theft, and numerous gang affiliated occasions. You will be sentenced to a maximum security prison for 34 years to life in prison without bail!"

And that's when.... It all came crashing down on me. Sitting in a dusty old jail cell by myself, I been in this prison for about 3-4 years and no sign or planning of escape. Until, I figured out this whole prison. By the time the guards get off duty, to the time the get on duty. To the time we go to sleep and how many hours between before we get up. Every search.

Anything you name it... I know about this prison. And It's time for me to get back. Just remember one thing, don't trust everyone. Because, the day that I got caught... Is the day I lost everyone. "My bros" gone... There only there when they need you. But,  Where are they when I need them.... Nowhere to be fucken found. The only person that was there for me & still is my sister

"MCCANN!" I heard one of the guards yell. I shook my head and got up standing towards the cell door as they pressed the button, the cells opened.

They pushed me out of the way and checked Cell. They searched through the beds throwing every little thing they had in. "well, look what we have here." One of the prison guard said smirking picking up a picture of me and my baby sister.

I quickly lunged towards him only to be held back by the other guards. "Awe, McCann's got a little soft side." The tested me.

"That's none of your god damn business." I gritted through my teeth.

"Speak up boy! I can't hear you." He spat in my face.

"I said. THATS none of your GOD DAMN business!" I said getting in his face.

"Clean up this mess McCann." He spat before throwing the picture on the floor making sure to step on it. Him and the other officers walked out of the cell closing it. I shook my head looking at the now trashed cell. I picked up the picture of me and my sister and wiped it off.

"I'll see you soon."

"Pssh, McCann.." I heard voice say. I turned around and raised and eyebrow.

"What." I gritted through my teeth.

"The guys want to know if we could tag along with you... You know on the little escape." He whispered.

I shook my head. "No."

"Well, that too bad... Because, if we don't get out too... A little birdy might find out about this." He smirked.

I quickly went over to him gripping him through the cell bars. "Say a god damn sole to anyone and I will personally kill you my damn self." I gritted through myself before slamming him against the cell bars letting him go.

"Now, Get the fuck away from my cell." I spat before the inmate picked himself off walking off towards the other cells. I picked up everything and placed it back where it was. I sat down in the bed thinking about tonight. I'm leaving tonight... No more backing from this. It's now or never.

I laid back on my hard, cold bed. And closed my eyes.

**Later on that night**

I peeked open my eyes. To see, pure darkness. Only the lights from outside. I looked around, for any signs of the guards. None....

Let the show begin. I lifted up the picture that was hung on the wall, to see the hole that I have no created. I slid through the hole grabbing the picture and placing right back where it was. Pure darkness. I pulled out one of the lighter I stole out of the guards pocket. And lit it I crawled through the hole that took me 3 years to carve. I made it to the end and seen a bright light.

I looked down to see I was "2 stories high" I heard the alarms go off. "Shit." I mumbled I looked down and seen a bush.

"Now or never."

I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and jumping off. I felt into the bush hearing a snap... Of my ankle. I scream out in pain but, quickly bite on my orange jumpsuit when I hear the sounds of dogs and officers get closer. I quickly run more like drag myself off out of the spotlight, and into the woods.

There's no way I'm going back.

I picked up the pain, trying to hold in the keep dragging myself, farther and farther. What seems like 2-3 hours now... Before I hit a road.

I looked back and sat down. I slowly token off the orange jumpsuit and throw it back into the bushes. I slowly sit back down to examine my ankle. I took off my shoe slowly to see black and blue around the ankle and my whole foot is swollen.

"Damnit." I gritted through my teeth as the pain rushed through my body.

I see a car rush zoom past by me before it slowly started to back up. "You look lost need a ride?"

I raised my eyebrow and looked at the man. "Does it look like I need fucken help." I gritted through my teeth.

"Actually it does, let me help you." He said holding his hand out.

I shook my head then grabbed his hand as he helped me up and tossed my arm over his shoulder. He placed me into the front of the van.

"What's your name son?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Jason." I muttered.

"Johnson." He smirked.

HEY lovelies, sorry I been gone for so long, volleyball season finally finished, and I now have free time. ❤️❤️ I could update more often. So, I'm glad to officially be back, so therefore I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. Love you guys so much! Thank you for all the support and love on this book!

- Alicia

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