"Dont Let Him Down" |Interracial|

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**This is a quick imagine**

*Hope you enjoy*

"Mommy, is daddy going to come." Your 7 year old son asked.

"Your father wouldn't miss this for the world." You told him. He smiled wide before running out of the room.

You sighed and quickly grabbed your phone. Justin was suppose to be here last night but he said his flight got delayed due to the bad weather. You dialed Justin's number, after a couple rings he finally picked up.

"Hey baby." He mumbled.

"Justin! Where are you Drew's first football game is today, and you promised you were going to be there." You yelled but, not so loud so Drew wouldn't hear.

"Shit... Shit." I heard him say moving around a lot.

"Are you kidding me Justin!" You scoffed.

"You forget didn't you." You shook your head.

"No, I didn't I just over slept." He said sternly.

"Justin you can't keep doing this to him! You missed most of his hockey games. He looks up to you, you know that right! All he wants is his father there to support him!" You yelled.

"Y/N! Don't you think I know that, but shit your making me feel like an asshole it's not my fault that I can't be there! Have you forgotten about my job I have!" He yelled.

"No! But I know damn well you can make time to at least go to one of his games!" You yelled.

"You act like I don't even try Y/N!" He yelled.

"I never said that!"

"Basically you are!"

"Goodbye Justin!" You rolled your eyes before hanging up. You ran your fingers through your hair in frustration you turned around to see your son Drew standing there.

"He's not coming is he mommy..." He mumbled looking down.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, it's okay mommy... I'm used to him not coming not being here for me. I get that's he's busy... But, I feel like he doesn't even love me mommy... does daddy even love me?"

You felt your heart break. You went over to him bending down. "Look, your father loves you very much.. And he's try's so hard to be here Drew.. And you know he would if u could... It's just with his job it makes it harder."

"I hate his job. I would rather have nothing and have him here with us mommy then him to have that stupid job and not be here." He said lowly.

You sighed and kissed his forehead. "I know baby... Me too, but come on we got game to get to my star quarterback." You smiled.

He sighed before picking up his helmet and you grabbed your car keys and purse before walking out the door with him and getting into the car driving off.

____*At The Football Game*____

"Mommy can you please not embarrass me like last game." Drew sighed placing his helmet on.

"No promises." You smiled laughing.

He groaned and ran off to the other team makes you went over to the benches where the other parents were and sat down. You remember last game where Drew got tackled and they didn't call it. Your mama instincts went in and you were yelling. "Someone better help my baby up!" Stuff like that.

You were a proud mother, you can't even lie about that. But once someone tackled or pushed your baby... It was WW3.

Our team had the ball, and drew yelled for someone to get open before he decided to just run it. He started running down the field and you were so proud of him. You got up cheer. "GO DREW!!" Before someone on grabbed Drew's helmet pushing him on the ground hard.

"EXCUSE ME REFF! YOUR NOT GOING TO CALL THAT!" You yelled at the referee.

"Your just mad because My son tackled your son." The lady laughed.

You took in a deep breath. "Let me take a moment to not turn around and fuck this bitch up." You mumbled before turning around.

"Listen, your son needs to learn there a difference between tackling and grabbing someone's helmet! Now I suggest you shut the hell up, before you get yourself hurt." You gritted through your teeth.

"Excuse me?" She laughed standing up.

"You heard me, I don't repeat myself." You scoffed.

"Woah woah woah.. Mama bear take it easy." You felt someone with a raspy voice say into your ear.

You turned around to see Justin looking at you with a smile on his face.

"You came!" You hugged him.

"TIME OUT!" You heard before you see drew with a upset look on his face he took off his helmet slamming it on the ground coming over to me and Justin.

"Did you just see what he did mommy! And the stupid reff!" Drew yelled.

"Drew... Look who's here to see you." You smiled wide.

He looked confused and turned his head to see Justin and his eyes widen. "Daddy!" He yelled before hugging him.

"I told you, I would be here." Justin smiled.

"I'm still mad." He groaned.

"Look. Yeah, I got to admit the reff is stupid. But, you can always come back it was only the first down. Now. Listen.. You want my advice?" Justin raised his eyebrow.

He nodded. "The outside linebacker has a blind side. He leaves the left corner open always. So, if your going to run it. Run it through there." Justin said sternly.

"Okay, I'm going to try." He said smiling wide before picking up his helmet and putting it on.

"Now, listen to me... Your a Bieber and a Bieber never gives up. We fall but we always get right back up and come back 10x harder."

He nodded before running back out. "He needed that." You smiled wide kissing his lips.

Drew got the ball and looked at Justin and you looked up at Justin and he nodded. "DOWN, DOWN SET HIKE!" Drew yelled before he looked around and went right for left corner where it was open. And he just kept runnin. "YES DREW!! THATS MY BABY!" You yelled jumping up and down as Justin smiled proud once Drew hit the touchdown.

You turned around and looked at the lady with a smirked. "Karma's a bitch, right."

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! I know I haven't updated in the longesssst but, I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! And guess what my FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON IS ON TUESDAY... I'm so nervous! I'm playing Varsity & JV. 💀💀 BUT... I WILL BE UPDATING MORE SO GUESS WHAT IM BACK NOW 😂❤️❤️

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now