Protect And Serve

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You are my everything, your the reason I wake up every morning to see that beautiful face. Without you... My life would not be complete. I love you Y/N. And I promise you till the day I die... To love you. When your sick, when your hurt... Even on your best days. I will be right there.

PS: I love you too Mia. My little angel.

And that... Was the last I heard from Justin. See, Justin went back to Afghanistan in late November. He sent his letters and we face timed whenever we could... I found out I was pregnant with our daughter Mia.. About 3 years ago. Justin, was upset for a while because he didn't get to see his first child being born into this world... And he always puts himself down over that

"Mamwa." Mia reached her hands out for me.

I smiled, she's like a mixture of a mini me and Justin. Well of course she's our child. She's got my attitude but, also.. She has Justin's sweet and caring side.

I love Justin with all my heart... And for me to not hear from him... Just hurts. I just wanna know if my husband, my lover, and the father of my kid.. Is okay.

Justin's POV

Three long and tired years... Of being in Afghanistan, fighting in the war. It's finally time for me to go home, with my family. I haven't been able to hear from them or sent letters because, we were in a undisclosed location. Three years in hiding. But, now it's all over. I'm now a retired veteran. It's for the best, for me and my family... The army was a heck of a job.

"Sergeant Bieber!" My commander yelled. I walked over towards him and got into my standing position.

"Yes Sir!" I yelled back.

"No need for that son... I just wanted to say. It was a pleasure serving by your side." He said taking off him hat and holding out his hand.

"Thank you sir." I shook his hand and we bro hugged.

"Now, go.. Be with your family. Life your life... Because, many of us.. Don't get that chance anymore." He said sadly. I nodded my head And waved to everyone before boarding the plane.

"Im coming home baby."

Your POV

You were sitting on the couch holding Mia while she was playing with her toys. Before you heard a knock on the door.

"Hold on mammas, mommies going to be right back." You said towards her.

She just smile with her little teeth and clapped her hands together. You laughed before walking towards the door. You opened the door to see one of Justin's Friends. "What do you want Khalil." You rolled your eyes before walking back towards Mia.

"Well, hello to you too Y/N." He smirked.

"Like I said What. Do You. Want." Your raised your eyebrow.

"You." He smirked.

You rolled your eyes. "I think you need to leave..."

He walked up towards you. "Come on Y/N, Justin's been on a disappearance for 3 whole years. He's not coming back." He grabbed your waist before you pushed him off.

"Like I said, I think you need to leave." You shook your head.

He shook his head. "Okay... But, before I leave.." He trailed off before quickly turned you around pressing him lips against yours.

Justin's POV

I'm finally home. I got my red roses, for my beautiful lady. I can't wait to see her beautiful face. I walked up towards the door before I hear two people talking.

"Like I said, I think you need to leave.." I heard Y/N's precious voice say.

I heard a bit of mumbled before I peeked into the doorway seeing my "BEST FRIEND" locking lips with my wife!

I shook my head and knock down the door making them both pull away. "Justin?" Y/N said with wide eyes.

"You little motherf-" I said before charging at Khalil before tackling him onto the floor punching him in the face repeatedly.

"Daddwe!" I heard a little shaky voice say before I look up to see my beautiful baby girl Mia. God, she grew up so fast on me.

"Come near my wife, my family. Or even lay a single hair on her again... I swear to you not. That would be the last day you EVER see the god damn sunshine. Do I make myself clear." I gritted through my teeth.

He nodded before quickly getting up and running out of the door. I look up to see Y/N with her mouth covered and her eyes watery.

"I-I'm so sorry, that never... Omg." She cried. I sighed and just grabbed her and pulled her into my chest. I then kissed the top of her head.

"It's okay... I'm not mad.... Okay, maybe a little but.. I'll be fine." I said truthfully.

"Daddwe." I felt a little hang tug on my pants. I smiled wide and picked her up. "Yes, daddy's here and is here to stay." I smiled at her as she played with my dog chain necklace.

"Wait what?" Y/N said confused.

"I retired." I smiled wide and to see her smile grow wide as well make my heart skip a beat.

She grabbed my face kissing me on my lips. "I missed you so much." She whispered looking up at me.

"I missed you too baby. And you my princess." I looked at Mia that is so interesting about my Dog Chain.

"Oh and honey?" I said to her as she pulled away.

"Yes baby?" She raised her eyebrow.

"If I ever find another man in this house, there will be consequences."

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you enjoyed this imagine... Sorry if it was boring. But, I'm sorry also I haven't updated in like 2 whole months. I been really busy. Let me know what you thought about this imagine in the comments below❤️

- love Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now