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Your POV

Right now your on a plane going to surprise Justin on tour. It's been 5 months since guys haven't seen each other face to face. & honestly you were nervous but mostly excited. Scooter called you this morning saying how Justin didn't want to do anything except talk to you all day & honestly you were flattered by that.

*At the Airport....*

You walked off the jet seeing Scooter & Alfredo standing there smiling. "Y/N thank god.. I swear Justin would not stop talking about you." Alfredo said laughing helping you with your bags.

You laughed. "Thanks for doing this Y/N" Scooter said.

"No problem... I'm not gonna lie I did miss him." You laughed. They nodded and laughed with you getting into the car driving to the venue.

"Justin's about to go on in a couple minutes so scooters going to drop your suitcases at the hotel in Justin's room while I take you to Justin." Alfredo said getting out the car. I nodded following him.

"I wonder how he's going to react?" I thought to myself.

We finally walked inside the venue walking towards Justin's door knocking on it. "Justin!" Alfredo yelled.

"What..." He mumbled. I could tell by his voice he sounded exhausted. My poor baby...

"I'm coming in." He said opening the door. I looked to see a shirtless Justin with his head in the pillows. "What do you want." He mumbled not looking up.

You walked over to him kissing his back softly then kissing his neck making him shiver. "Did you miss me Jay?" You mumbled smiling.

"Y/N?" He said getting up slowly turning around. "OMG Y/N!" He yelled picking you up spinning you around kissing you.

You giggled. "How? Did you- I don't even care.." He said smiling wide.

"I missed you so much baby.... So much." He mumbled kissing my lips.

"I missed you too Jay." You smiled.

"Justin lets go." A guy from the stage crew called for him.

"Are you staying for the show?" He asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Now go... Your fans are waiting." You smiled.

He nodded grabbing your hand running towards where he goes up from under the stage. He got on the platform & smiled.

"Wait!" He said quickly jumping off.

"Good luck kiss." He smirked.

You playfully rolled your eyes kissing him. He laughed getting back on the platform before going up on stage.

The rest of the night was amazing that was the first time ever you seen Justin preform & never less he was amazing...

Hey lovelies! Yeah.. I'm running out of stuff to say in theses little end Author's note 😂😂 but yeah how do you guys like theses so far?

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- Alicia💕

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now