Life Of The Supernaturals

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Sorry for any mistakes.

You have no idea how much important timing is until you meet someone who's perfect for you, but you can't be together because of external forces which are out of control.

"She's so beautiful..." I looked at this beautiful women her beautiful hair, her amazing beautiful eyes, her body is a wonderland...

"Back off little bro." Alex said patting my shoulder. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "That's Delgoto's daughter."

"Delgoto's daughter?" I questioned. "Meaning leader of The Shadowers Pack, Alpha... The largest and the most powerful wolf pack in California."

"I need to know her." I began walking towards her. "Jason don't." Alex now stood in front of me. I shrugged him off and smirked before walking over towards her.


"Y/N, sweetie bring that box over here for me." My father spoke while carrying the other boxes inside the house. I nodded picking up the box turning around jumping back making me drop the box and everything fall out. I groaned before grabbing everything.

"Here let me help." I heard a deep raspy voice speak I looked up to see a man with brown hazel eyes, his hair was cut short, he was rather on the pale side but... He looked so familar.

"Thank you." I smiled at him before re picking up the box. "No problem beautiful."

"Y/N- what are you doing here." My father spoke in a low dangerous voice. "He was just helping me father-"

"You stay away from my daughter!" He spat pulling me behind him. "Dad he did nothing wrong-" "Jason let's go."

"Bieber brothers." He spat. "Mr. Delgoto..." Another man spoke that looked exactly like the man except with blonde hair and older.

"Sorry, Jason could get a little-"

"Just stay away from my daughter, I don't want this to turn ugly." He gritted through his teeth. They nodded before going off into the woods. "Y/N listen to me and listen to me good. You are to stay away from thoses boys do you understand me."

I nodded, "I don't understand father why?" "Thoses boys are...."

"Are what?"

"Vampires." He muttered. I chuckled a laugh."what's so wrong with being a vampire."

"We are Werewolf's Y/N and Werewolf's and Vampires aren't exactly on the best terms. Just stay away from those boys." He told me sternly.

I sighed and brought the rest of the boxes into the house.

Jason's POV

"Are you completely and utterly insane son!" My father yelled at me. "I told him not to.." Alex trailed off, "shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"What the hell are were you thinking messing with the Delgatos?!" "I was thinking she's a beautiful girl and I need to know here." I shrugged.

"I forbid you from ever seeing her again."

"In the last 150 years father... when does forbidding me ever work." I chuckled a laugh before he grabbed my neck slamming me up against the wall. "I forbid you from ever seeing that girl or so help me god." He growled, I shoved him off of me.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now