Notice Me (Interracial)

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**** This is kind of like a preference on how you guys met****

It was just a normal day, you know you get up go to school the daily routine. You just got home and you decided to go on Twitter. Your a big Justin Bieber fan so you decided to see if anything was going on in the belieber fandom. There wasn't so you decided to tweet him.

"@y/t/n - I wish one day you would notice me.. 😕❤️ @justinbieber"

You sighed sending the tweet before you placed down your phone. You looked down on your phone seeing it light up. You raised an eyebrow as your phone began to blow up. "OMG JUSTIN TWEETED AND RETWEETED YOUR POST!"




You seen your Twitter notifications blow up. You quickly unlocked your phone going on the Twitter app going to Justin's page and your mouth dropped. He really did tweet you and follow you!

"@justinbieber - How could I not notice you beautiful 😉❤️ @y/t/n"

You quickly DMed him "OMG thank you so much!" You DMed him.

And we're shocked at how fast he DMed you back. "Your so much welcome beautiful."

Next thing you know you guys continued talking for hours, crazy right your mind is blown you couldn't believe that you were talking to him. A couple months when by and you guys started face timing instead of messaging each other on Twitter. (Picture above of on the side)

Eventually Justin wanted to official meet you. He flew you out to Los Angeles since you lived in _____________? <--- wherever you live at.
You finally got off the plane you were nervous, what if he doesn't like you... What if.. I mean over FaceTime you guys talked.. Like talked almost like it was getting serious.

You waited for your luggage and sighed sitting down waiting. "Wow, your even more beautiful in person." You heard a voice say behind you.

You turned around and you saw him.. You smiled wide. "Justin!" You said running up and hugging him. "God I waited so long for this." He laughed hugging you back.

"So this is the girl you were talking about.." You heard someone say.

"Yeah, guys this is Y/N.. Y/N this is the guys Khalil, Za, Ryan and Chaz, and Alfredo."

You waved and smiled Justin the grabbed you by the waist. You guys waited for you luggage together but the guys gave you two some alone time. You guys talked and laughed but keeping it on the low because Justin didn't wanna be noticed. You grabbed your luggage walking with Justin out the airport surprisingly you guys weren't bothered or seen you finally got into the car and everyone sat in the front while you guys were in the back.

Justin kept smiling and looking at you the whole car ride. His arm still wrapped around you as you paid your head on his chest. You didn't know what you guys were standing at this moment, but you didn't care it just felt right.

"You okay?" Justin asked looking at you.

You smiled and nodded looking up at him. You guys were in a stare but it wasn't an awkward stare. Justin then grabbed your face gently moving your hair out of our face before he smiled lightly connecting your lips together.

"FINALLY MAN!" Alfredo said looking at you too.

Justin broke the kiss groaning you laughed hiding you head into his chest griping his shirt slightly. "You always got to ruin the moment." Justin groaned.

They all laughed and turned back around. You looked up at him to see him just now staring out the window. "How long is the car ride." You mumbled.

"It's gonna be a while... Go to sleep I'll wake you up when we're there." He said kissing your forehead. You sighed and nodded. You laid your head on Justin's chest closing your eyes. You feel Justin move around then you feel something warm and soft cover your body. You felt Justin's hand move down your arm and his hand grasp your hand Intwining it together.

"I'm glad I have you in my life..." He whispered.

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you guys like this Imagine ❤️❤️ any request or want a person feel free to comment below ☺️💋

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now