A Criminal's Heart

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"You have to be at your strongest, when your feeling at your weakest."

Song: Alive - Sia

"Pathetic, your just going to give up that easily Y/N." Jason shook his head looking at you laying on the floor groaning in pain.

"Get up." He said sternly. You held your stomach in pain trying to get up but fell right back down.

"I said get up!" He yelled. You looked up at him before shaking my head. "We're done here." He shook his head pathetically walking away.

You balled your fist up, groaning in pain.. Slowly getting up. Before, regaining your balance getting back into fighting stance.

Jason paused before turning around. He looked at you smirked. He grabbed his water bottle pushing over the bag. "Kick it off of this." He raised his eyebrow.

I took a deep breath, before standing in the stance kicking the bag making my whole leg hit the bag. I groaned in pain falling in pain.

"Again." I groaned biting my lip, standing back up doing it again, causing the same result. "Your not concentrating Y/N. Concentrate."

"I'm trying!" I yelled waking away from him. "Your not trying hard enough!" He yelled sternly. I felt my blood boil before I walked back over towards kicked the bag hard making the bottle fly up into the air. As then, took the chance to kick the water bottle. Making it fly right into Jason's hands.

 Making it fly right into Jason's hands

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Jason smirked. "Now was that so hard." He replied drinking the water. "Shut up." I spat angrily.

"It's good, that you learned to use your anger and turn it into something." He replied back. "How ironic coming from the United States #1 most wanted criminal." He shook my head walking past him.

I felt Jason's hand grab mines as he twisted it placing me up against the wall. "Never let your guard down." He whispered heavily against him neck.

I took in a deep breath before I kicked him in his lower stomach only to have him grab my leg flipping me over causing me to land on my stomach and groan.

"Note taken." I mumbled. He helped me up, before we heard the bust open. There stood about 5 of Jason's rivals with guns in there hand.

"Caught me while I'm at my weakest, pathetic Adam." Jason laughed walking towards him.

"Why don't you just fight me without all your men, and we can see how tough you really are." He suggested dropping his gun out of his side pocket.

Adam lowered the gun, I hid behind the door looking at Jason as the 5 men stood at. Adam approached Throwing the first punch as the men surrounded Jason.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now