The Escape |Part 2|

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"Here's part two since it was requested so much. Glad you guys liked it."

I opened my eyes to see Dylan asleep peacefully next to me. I sighed getting up out of the bed placing Dylan in the middle of the bed putting the two pillows besides him. I walked over towards the mirror before throwing my hair up in a messy bun going out of the room.

"Listen... I'm not letting you hurt her or them anymore. Your lucky I don't put your ass in Jail for what you've done." I heard Justin say sternly into the phone.

I raised my eyebrow before slowly walking down the hall listening in.

"I don't give a shit Erick, there is a kid with her ! A fucken little kid , and your going out late nights drinking and smoking. Get your priorities straight, before you end up in jail." He spat into the phone.

"No you cannot fucken see them are you dumb! Listen, I got to go." He shook his head before hanging up the phone.

I walked into the room and he looked up. "Oh, good morning... How did you sleep?" He asked walking towards the kitchen.

"Y-you know him?" I asked standing still before he stopped walking.

"I can explain..." He said quickly turning around walking towards me.

"NO! get away from me! YOUR PROBABLY JUST LIKE HIM!" I yelled turning around going towards the room.


Before I know it Justin grabbed my arm pulling me away from the door. "Look, you don't know me & I sure as hell don't know you! But, I do know if you leave this hotel... he will find you. I can promise you that." Justin said sternly.

I pushed him off of me. Before he pulled me right back. " Please, calm down. Listen, I'm not going to stop you from leaving but, at least let the damn kid sleep. I'm pretty sure he's had a long day just as you did. Now, I'm going to let you go, you have 2 choices either go sit down in the living room or join me for breakfast.. my treat.

I rolled my eyes before snatching my arm back and walking towards the couch sitting down. "Really not going to join me for breakfast? I know your hungry."

I stayed quiet and turned the other way. He sighed before walking away going towards the kitchen. I sighed looking out of  the window. A few minutes later. I looked back over at Justin to see him sitting at the table by himself eating with another plate of food placed right across from him. I sighed getting up before walking over towards him sitting down grabbing the plate of food before he snatched it back.

"You thought this was for you?" He raised his eyebrow laughing.

I looked at him weirdly. "I'm joking." He laughed before handing me back the plate of food.

"How do you know Erick?" I asked placing down my fork.

He sighed before putting down his napkin. "Well-" He paused before someone started banging on the door. I looked at him with wide eyes and he held his hand up and walked towards the door looking through the peep hole.

He turned around before quickly going over towards me. "I need you to grab your son and go into my room. In the hallway your going to see a door. Get in it and lock it." He said sternly.

I nodded getting up running towards the room carefully picking up Dylan going back into the hallway going into the closet before getting in.

"Where is she Justin!" I heard him yell.

"She's not here Erick! Leave." Justin said in a stern voice.

"Who was eating with you Justin? Seems you got company." He said with his voice getting low.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now