The Mistress |Part 3|

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An:// Guys... I love your comments seriously like most of you guys comments have me crying of laughter. Seriously, lol ❤️

**Not Proof Readed**

3 weeks later....

I have been continuing seeing Mr. Bieber, only because I really need this job. But, it's hurting so much to see everyday Justin kissing his wide without her knowing anything that has been going on.

Everyday I smile in her face acting like nothing wrong but as soon as she leaves... I'm basically fucking her husband.

I sighed. Justin left early for a "family emergency." He told me leaving me to close up his office and everything else. Half of the lights were off as I made my way back into his office making sure everything was clean. I open the door seeing Diana sitting in his chair playing with a ball made of rubber bands.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here..." I raised my eyebrow walking into the office.

"I know your fucking my husband." She spoke lowly.

My heart dropped.

"Diana.. I-"

"Save it, Y/N... You know I thought you had some class, but instead just another one of these hoes." She spat standing up.

"Excuse me, but your husband came onto me." I tilted my head to the side.

"You couldn't just be a nice little assistant for him? You just had to go off and put your hands in somewhere where they don't belong."

I bit my lip, feeling my blood boil. "You think I wanted to do it."

"It's pretty obvious, I mean your still here aren't you?" She smirked. "I'm here because I need the money.

"That's what they all say..." She trailed off coming towards me. "You know, I'm not even mad.... Because at the end of the day, I still have Justin and his money."

"You don't even care about him do you." I spat. She laughed, "it's all about the money Y/N, plus... Have you see his best friend, wealthy and just as handsome." She smirked, "plus he is a better fuck if you know what I mean. But, that's not the point."

"What is Y/N that it attracted you?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Nothing attracted me, like I said before he came onto me."

"So your saying, you don't find Justin attractive?" She raised her eyebrow. "He's a handsome man but-"

"That's all I need to know." She shrugged.

"Next question, Have you ever been with a girl before?" She sat on the desk.

I nodded my head no. "No I haven't."

"Do you want to be?" She smirked. "Listen... Mrs. Bieber i respect your offer and all but I'm-" I was cut off by her lips pressing against mine making me quickly push her off.

"What the hell are you doing!" I wiped my lips off. "Come on Y/N, you did all that stuff with Justin now? Think about it with a women.... I could satisfy all your needs plus, I know where they all are of course." She smirked.

Before grabbing my face again kissing my lips.

"Y/N I forget my-" I turned around seeing Justin standing in the door way with his jaw clenched.

"What the hell is this?" He gritted through his teeth. "J-Justin it's so not what it looks like."

"With my wife Y/N?!" He yelled. "Justin," Diana went running over to him into his embrace.

"She came onto me Jay, I tired to tell her-"

"That's bullshit!" I argued. "Enough, this is unexceptable..." He paused. "Y/N your fired."

My mouth hung over, I quickly closed my mouth feeling my blood boil. I look over at Diana smirking behind Justin.

"You know what, Fine." I spat walking past him before turning around. "She knows everything Justin isn't that right Diana. Why don't you tell your precious husband why your still here while your at it, Justin I suggest you go ask yourself about that little best friend of yours."

"Diana what is she talking about?" He raised his eyebrow. I shook my head laughing to myself before walking out of the door.

A couple weeks later...

I was walking down the street in the rain holding my umbrella towards the little coffee place.

I raised my eyebrow, seeing someone standing there. In the rain on the side of the alleyway, walked closer towards them seeing it was Justin.

"Justin? What are you doing here." I raised my eyebrow we haven't been in contact since the day he fired me.

"I need you to come back," He muttered.

"Listen Justin im not being your little fuck toy anymore." I rolled my eyes about to walk past him before he grabbed my arms swinging me back against the cold wet brick wall.

"Your not a fuck you, you never were one." He spoke lowly.

"Justin no, I don't wanna hear it your married." I pushed him off walking away from him.

"I divorced her for you!" He yelled. I stopped in my tracks.

"You did what?" I spoke dumbfounded turning around seeing him standing in the now pouring rain, "I divorced her for you."

I walked towards him. "Why would you do such thing?"

"Because I love you." He looked directly in my eyes. "You can't love me." I shook my head.

He grabbed ahold of my wrist. "The day you walked into my office, I felt something that I never felt with anyone else, not even Diana. I thought you were really about to be some other assistant. I'm sorry I treated you like that, I couldn't let my feeling take over me. But, now I don't care. I don't care because I want these feeling to continue to grow." He looked at me into my eyes I could hear the truthfulness in his voice.

"I don't know what to say..." I trailed off.

"I know you don't feel the same, but atleast give it a try. I promise, I'll change." He said almost pleading.

"Is Mr. Bieber begging?" I smirked.

"Not not Ms. Y/N. " he groaned, "I could make you beg and scream on the top of your lungs but, we would have to go somewhere private if you know what I mean."

"Your going to need to work for that." I pressed on his chest.

"There's nothing I need to work for, if I already seen it all."

I chuckled a laugh, "I'll see you later Mr. Bieber." I pushed him lightly off of me. "Y/N, wait! So, can we try."

"You have my number Mr. Bieber!" I yelled and continued walking.

"Well.... Lol, I how do you guys like this series?"

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now