The Mistress |Mature|

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AN:// Justin is not famous like celebrity wise he's more like , a well known business entrepreneur. This is mature, for all you know . And sorry if it's terrible this my first time writing anything like this. So, bare with me for all you virgin beliebers. Cause I'm on that train too. 😭

Oh god..... Here we go. (Sorry for any mistakes)

Should I pass out the holy water now or later? 🙄😭

You do what you got to do, to provide for the ones you love...

"Thanks for watching her Ma," I smiled as Amelia came to view behind me. "Grandma!' She smiled wide running into her embrace, "No problem, shes an angel for me."

"DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOUR FEET ON THAT COUCH!" Mama yelled. I sighed, "Did you find a job yet?" She asked letting me inside starting to clean. "I been looking all over, its not easy as it looks."

She bit her lip, "Ah, I seen a job for a personal assistant at that big mans company." She showed me a business card. "I don't know ma, personal assistant?" I thought for a moment.

"Look, you need the money, and I'll watch Amelia for free no charge." She smiled, "Just go check it out alteast."

"Fine, I'm on my way over to the part of town anyways." I said my goodbyes to Amelia and mother before heading out of the door. Before I left I decided to change my outfit from, sweatpants to a little bit more classy outfit.

 Before I left I decided to change my outfit from, sweatpants to a little bit more classy outfit

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I thought to myself, personal assistant. And Ma's right I do need the money.

After driving around I pulled up to this glass building and it said in big letters. "Bieber's Enterprise." I adjusted my dress fixing it, grabbing my bag making my way towards the building.

"Damn, ma." I heard a man mutter under his breath. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"If you think that's going to get my attention, you better think again." I spat, I walked inside the building seen marble floor and a huge Windows, beautiful plants and fountains. The place was nice I got to admit.

"Do you have an appointment?" She said not even bothering to look at me. "No-"

"If you don't have an appointment with Mr. Bieber you will needs to make one and unfortunately he is book for the whole 2 months." She gave me a sly smile.

"I'm here for the personal assistant job." "Well, why didn't you just say so, 10th floor." She pointed towards the elevator.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now