Hurtful Memories

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An:// I Missed You guys so much 😩❤️


"Mr. McCann, just tell us what happened." The detective sat down looking at me. "I explained to you what happened, so don't fucking ask again." I gritted through my teeth.

"I understand you mad-"

"Mad..." I scoffed standing up. "My fucking wife and kid are dead! and, your siting here questioning me when the asshole who killed my family is still out there!"

The cops came into the room holding handcuffs. "I don't want to have to chain you to a chair to control yourself.. Now do I."

I looked at the cops with death glares sitting down. "Good, now what I was saying... You don't know if your kid are dead... They are presumed to be missing is that correct."

I bit my lip. "I know what type of man he is... There's no way they are still alive. But, I know for a fact... He's going to live a slow painful death after I'm fucking done with him."

"You guys grabbed me and dragged me away from my family! I could of saved them-"

"And landing yourself in prison for murder on top of all your other files... Yeah you wouldn't be seeing them for a long long time."

"So what the hell do you want with me."

"Help me catch him."

"No, hell no. I don't work with the fucking FED's. After all you guys did kill my brother." I spat.

"Then never find your family and go to jail for about 32 cases of murder, 12 assault, 10 armed robbery and many more."

I squinted my eyes. "You think I'm going to let you black mail me detective." I laughed lowly.

"Yes. Now tell me what happened."

That's Mason ⬇️⬇️⬇️

"Dad?" Mason came down the steps

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"Dad?" Mason came down the steps. "Yes son?" I questioned, "Can I borrow the car."

"What's wrong with your car."

"I'm taking my girlfriend out... And you know I wanna impress her." He shrugged. I bit my lip and laughed.

"Dad come on." He groaned seeing Y/N now come into the room. "Mason, where you going looking all nice." She smiled pinching his cheek.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now