The Truth Is...

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Requested by: GleeGodess

You couldn't believe it... He really made a song about her. But, your problem is the fact that you two had been together and he makes a song about her... But not you? You felt that anger built up inside of you.  You were beyond pissed. You heard the front door open and then close meaning Justin's home... Oh just wait.

"Oh you wouldn't believe the traffic I went through." He groaned now coming into the room. Taking off his jacket and placing the keys on the dresses.

"I missed my baby." He smiled wide coming over to you about to kiss you but, you placed your hand up stopping him.

He looked at your confused. "Okay?" He said awkwardly.

"So, I heard your new song." You fake smiled.

"What new song?"

"Oh what is it called "HeartBreaker"??"

"Oh that new song." He laughed. "Baby listen..."

You stood up and shook your head. "No, you listen to me. I understand you still have feeling for her Justin! But making a fucken song about her now, that's just ridiculous!" You yelled throwing your hands up in the air.

He just laughed. "Please tell me how this is so funny Justin!"

"I mean, because you really think I still have feelings for her...when I clearly don't."

"You clearly do! How do you think that makes me feel your writing a song about your Ex Girlfriend when I'm your girlfriend Justin! If you still had feelings for her, then why the hell did you want to date me!"

"Oh my god! I don't have feeling for Selena! That song is old!" He yelled.


"It's old to me but, new to my fans! I wrote that song when I did have feelings for her still! But now I don't!" He yelled.

"Why would you release it now!" I yelled.

"I didn't want to release it, scooter did!" He yelled.

"You know what I done. I'm sick of this shit." You said grabbing your luggage and starting to pack.

"You know what! Maybe I am too sick of this! All we do is argue, you never want to spend time with me! At Least Selena actually loved and cared for me!" He yelled.

You felt your heart break when he said that. The worst thing possible is for your boyfriend well now ex boyfriend to say something they liked about there ex that you weren't doing.

You shook your head finishing packing up. "You think she loved you Justin, all those times you came to me crying when you and her were arguing 24/7. She didn't care for you Justin! She laughed about making you cry in a interview how is that caring for someone when your hurting them! You don't know what love is if it was to bite you in the ass! But, you know what have fun with Selena, because just remember she will never, ever treat you the way I treated you. Or love you the way I loved you." You said before grabbing your stuff and walking out of the front door.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now