Marriage Life

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***Your twins keep cockblocking you and Justin***

Requested by: @FanGirl2020

"Baby you how much.. I love you." Justin whispered grabbing you by your waist kissing your neck softly.

"Hmm." You mumbled fixing up the twins room.

"You know... The the twins are distracted right now.. Maybe be could.. You know?" He smirked now looking at you.

"Oh, I know." You smirked wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Yeah?" He whispered leaning in.

"Yeah." You did the Same leaning in as well. Your lips almost touching.

"DADDY! Y/S/N won't give me my dolls back!" Your 7 year old daughter yelled coming running into the room making Justin groan.

"SHE TOOK MY CARS!" He yelled now coming in for the room as well.

"All you buddy." You laughed patting his chest before pulling away. You walked out the room hearing Justin argue with the kids like he's 7 years old himself. It's funny.

You walked downstairs started to clean up the mess that the kids. After a while of cleaning you hear Justin come back down the steps. "So how did it go?" You laughed.

"You know... For 7 years old... They can hold an argument." He groaned before plopping down right next to you.

"Sooo, now where were we." He smirked before grabbing your face kissing your lips softly.



You heard the kids yell making you pull away and sigh and Justin groaned. "Justin let me get them."

"They will sort it out." He mumbled placing his lips back on your neck kissing it softly.

"MOM!" You heard one of them yell.

Justin groaned. "Looks like... they need there mama." You laughed.

"Well, I need her too." He groaned pulling you back.

"Justin." You laughed As he started kissing your neck once again.

"MOMMY!" Your daughter came down the steps crying.

"She's faking it." Justin said into your neck.

You could stand to see your daughter cry like that. You took Justin off of her going towards her. "Awe, what's wrong honeybun." You grabbed her picking her up.

"Y-Y/S/N.. He broke my dolly." She cried.

"SHES LYING!" He came running down the steps.


You groaned and placed her down. "Alright, I had enough of you guys arguing! You guys need to stop, brothers and sister don't argue like you two do. Now, give me this..." I said grabbing his tablet out of his hand.


"But nothing, now... Go spend some quality time with your sister." I said pointed towards the outside.

"It's hot outside." Y/D/N said raising an eyebrow.

"You for a pool, trampoline.. And a slip and slide. With many more trust me. Hot is not the reason."

They both groaned before stomping up the stairs. "God damn Y/N." Justin sat on the couch biting his lip.

"I never seen you... That mad... It's hot.." He smirked.

You laughed turning around . "So, why don't you come take your anger on out me baby?"

"Maybe I wi-"


"I just wanna have sex with my wife! Is that so damn hard!" He yelled out of sexual frustration.

"Sex? What's sex?" Your son said confused you had no idea they were standing right there.

Justin looked at you with wide eyes. "All you." You mouthed towards him.

"Mommy? What's sex and why does daddy wanna do that to you.. Is daddy going to hurt you." She said with wide eyes.

You and Justin to laugh. "No, babygirl daddy would never hurt me."

Justin stopped laughing. "That's not what you be saying though when I'm pounding in you." He mumbled making you snap your head towards him giving him the death glare.

"Don't mind him.. But, like I was saying your father would never hurt me okay, and sex... How do I put this... It's something your going to learn when you get older."

"Way older." Justin added.

"How older?"

"When your 60." Justin said.

"But, mommies knows and she's not 60?" Your daughter said.

"She's 70? Duh." Your son said making Justin spit out his drink dying in laughter.

"Woah! Woah. I'm not 60 nor am I 70! I'm only  27!" You defended yourself.

"So how do you know about it?"

"Okay, kids... That's enough questions." He laughed.

"Now, go back and play... Me and your mother have so stuff to take care of." He smirked.

"The hell we don't."

"What?" Justin said confused.

"I'm going to take my old self. Outside and go swimming.... Sorry grandpa but, this grandma  is way too old for you." You pushed him off walking towards the pool area.

"Baby wait, We were joking!" He groaned running after you.

HEY LOVELIES!! I hope you enjoyed this imagine. I had a great time writing it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Or questions you have.

- Alicia ❤️

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now