Never Let You Go

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**This Imagine is written by Harryscurl01 you Guys should really go check out her imagines ❤️❤️❤️**

Y/n Pov
"Y/n are you ready to go?" My father shouted, from downstairs.

"I'm almost ready dad," I shouted back, as I started putting on mascara.

My older sister Tara walked in my room and stared at me. Why is she staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?

"Please don't tell me your getting all dressed up, because that Bieber kid is going to be there," Tara said, rolling her eyes.

Jealous much?

"Actually I am, Why do you care anyways?" I said, applying lipgloss on my lips.

"I don't care, I just want you to be careful Y/n," Tara said, looking at me.

"I like him, and he likes me, so there's nothing to worry about Tara." I said, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Okay Y/n, but your just 15 years old-" I cut Tara off.

"Just stop and be happy for me Tara!" I snapped at her, she looked at me surprised that I shouted at her.

She shakes her head and leaves my room. I kinda feel guilty for yelling at her but she keeps nagging and nagging, it's annoying.

I grabbed my purse and left out my room.

"Ugh finally we can leave," My mom said, as her, my dad and Tara were sitting on the couch.

"Sorry for the hold up, you know how I get when there's events," I said, smiling at my parents.

"Oh honey I understand, it is the mayors annual ball, and we only have it once a year, so yeah this is a big event, you must dress your best." Mom said, smiling and wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Alright enough talk, let's go." Dad said, rushing us outside.

Well let me explain what's going on here, my dad is the mayor's secretary and the mayor happens to Justin's father is the mayor. Yes I have a thing with the mayor's son. And the mayor invited my dad along with my mom, sister and I to the annual mayors ball they have once a year, and this is my first year going, so I'm pretty excited!

-Mayor's Annual Ball-
We all entered the huge building, decorated neatly with white balloons planted everywhere, table's with a beautiful cream colored table cloth, were basically filling the whole room.

Then there was a big space in the center of the room and a DJ at the side of the stage where the mayor will give his mini speech and stuff.

I was so mesmerized by the beautiful decorations, that I didn't even notice my family left me standing there.

"Wow it's beautiful," I said, looking at the chandelier hanging in the center.

"That's not the only thing beautiful around here," A voice behind me said.

I smiled and turned around, and there stood the one and only Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now