Hard Times

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An:// I'm Obsessed with This New Update 😂❤️💋

"Drew! Come on get up, you gotta go to the school today." You sighed yelling while walking towards your 16 year old son's room. You knocked on the door before opening it. "Drew, come on..." I shook him lightly.

"I don't feel good mom.." He groaned flipping over towards his other side.

" He groaned flipping over towards his other side

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You sighed feeling his head. "Drew your fine, get up... You stayed home yesterday from school." He groaned before placing his head into the pillow before getting up out of bed. "Thank you." You smiled lightly.

"Mmhm." He mumbled before walking into the bathroom. You sighed, in the morning Drew has an attitude but isn't that every teenager. Since you were already dressed & ready for work you decided to clean up around the house.

You groaned seeing all of Drew's clothes all over the place. You rolled your eyes before picking it up. This boy get it from his father. You might be wondering where is Drew's father. Justin and I had a falling out about a couple years ago when Drew was about 12. Make a short story short... One day Justin came home a bit drunk things lead to another thing.... And yeah.

He tries to come and see Drew but, drew doesn't want anything to do with him. The only reason why I keep in touch with Justin is because of Drew. Do I miss him? Of course...But somethings in this life you can't change what happened."

"DREW!" You yelled looking at your watch. It's now going on 7:30. "What is This boy doing." You mumbled walking back up the steps towards his room. You open the door to see Drew sitting in his room playing video games.

 You open the door to see Drew sitting in his room playing video games

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"Seriously Drew!" You scold him turning off his TV. "MOM!" He yelled standing up. "Boy, if you ever raise your voice at me again at my, and I promise. You will end up laying in a hospital bed, do I make myself clear!" "Yes mom." He mumbles.

"Good, now go on your fathers picking you up from school today as well." I said walking out of the room. "No! Why can't I just take the bus home! Or walk home!" He spat angrily back. "Drew! Your fathers picking you up from school end of discussion. Now go."

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now