Im Coming Home

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This one was requested by: @Sapphire_Andrews

Justin's POV

"Mr. Bieber, are you all set?" My production crew loaded the tour bus. I nodded my head. "One moment."

I placed the jacket on my daughter Emily then, placed the rubber bands on the end of her braids. I learned a lot from Y/N but, the braids I had Allison do them.

 I learned a lot from Y/N but, the braids I had Allison do them

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"Daddy why do they call you Mr. Bieber instead of Daddy?" Emily asked as we walked towards the tour bus.

I chuckled at her question. "Only certain people can call me daddy Em."


"Because, it's just like that..." I trailed off. She paused for a minute. "Daddy? When is mommy coming home, you said she would be back by now."

I sighed. "Mommy's working, an whenever her job lets her come home she will be home."

"Why can't we see mommy, or talk to her?"

I picked her up and placed her on my side. "We can talk to mommy through letters only and, before you ask why it's because mommy's in a place where the cellphone signal isn't that strong enough."

"I just really miss mommy daddy." She bit her lip. "I do too pumpkin, I do too."

"Want to get some ice cream before we get back into the bus?" I asked, she nodded smiling wide. I placed her down and she started walking next to me with her hand in mine.

We got up to the ice cream truck. "Hello!" Emily said smiling wide. "Hello, what can I get you today."

"Do you have chocolate chip!" She asked excitedly. "I do."

"Ooh! Can I have that with extra chocolate chip & sprinkles but the colorful ones!"

"Cup or cone?"


"Can you place the cone into a cup, cause she's a messy eater."

"Hey." She pouted. I just laughed.

"So chocolate chip, with extra chocolate chip drops and colorful sprinkles?" He made sure everything was right. She nodded smiling wide.

"Okay, and anything for you sir. "Just a cotton candy flavor, no sprinkles. Thank you."

"Coming right up." He said before going to make the ice creams.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now