Protective Father

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** Justin Being overprotective of your teen daughter**

- I found this in my drafts so I hope you like it.."

"Y/N don't you think it's too early for her to be going to parties." Justin groaned.

"She's 17 Justin, let her live alittle." You laughed.

"I was a 17 year old before & I know what happeneds at those parties Y/N, nothing but sex, drugs, and who else knows!"

"Okay, what type of parties you went to." You shook your head.

"Mom, do you think this looks alright?" Y/D/N asked coming into the room.

"Absolutely not." Justin said sternly.

"Mom." Y/D/N groaned.

"I think you look cute." You defended her.

"Y/D go change, you are not leaving the house looking like that, absolutely not.. There's no way in hell in going to let my daughter walk out the house like that." Justin said sternly.

"Your so unfair!" She yelled before stomping back towards her room.

You put down the clothes you were folding and turned around folding your arms at him.

"What?" He said throwing his hands up.

"Justin, you know exactly what you did. Why do you always have to be so harsh on her." You sighed.

"Maybe, because I don't want guys looking at my daughter like she's...-"

"Justin how old is Y/D/N?"

"She's 17? Why."

"And what do I go through every month?"

"I mean... You go through a lot ever month." He said scratching the back of his neck making you smack him upside his head.

"My period dummy."

"Okay, 1. Owe?! And 2. what does that have to do with- OOOOh." He yelled with wide eyes.

"I thought you got that when your like 40!" He yelled.

"Justin I'm not even 40 yet." You raised your eyebrow.

"So, is that why she was all mad at me.." He laughed.

You smacked him. "Laugh again and I will make sure you never gonna wanna laugh again.

"Okay okay." He tried to hold back a laugh.

"I'll go talk to her." He said before walking out the room. You laughed fixing the rest of your clothes.

"Y/N! One Y/D/N is GONE! And TWO LOOK WHAT THE HELL I FOUND IN HER ROOM!" He yelled before throwing me a pack of pills.

You started laughing because they were just the birth control pills you got your daughter. Listen, you could never be more safe.

"What's so funny Y/N!" He yelled.

"Justin, you need to lower your voice. And two there birth control pills." You shook your head before throwing them on the bed.

"Birth control pills? I never signed her go get that!" He yelled.

"If you don't stop yelling I swear to god Justin I will smack the life out of you. And I did."

"What the hell Y/N?! Why the hell does she need... Wait a second." He said gritting through her teeth.

"Is she having sex Y/N with Josh!" He yelled.

"I don't know Justin?!" You scoffed throwing your hands up. "I just wanted her to be safe if she is!"

"She's 17 Y/N!" He yelled.

"And we had sex when we were 18!" You yelled.


"Your really dumb. Just, I wanted her to be safe." You rolled your eyes throwing the clothes down.

"Y/N." He sighed before walking over towards you grabbing your waist making you look at him. He grabbed your chin gently kissing your lips softly.

"I'm sorry okay, I'm just a little protective over Y/D/N.." He sighed.

"A little?" You raised your eyebrow.

"Y/N." He groaned.

"Okay.. Okay."

"So, tell me the truth right now, is Y/N and Josh having sex." He said sternly.

You sighed and decided to stop keeping this from him. You nodded.

"I'm going to chop his nuts off and feed it to Esther." He gritted through his teeth.

Hey lovelies! Sorry about, not posting and this one sucked. I just had a family emergency... Well I'm still going through it but, this was in my drafts and I never posted it. But, like I said I'm really sorry and I'm going to try to update my books soon. Really sorry guys 😩😩❤️

- Alicia

Ps: sorry if this one sucked and, I'm gonna try to get to people's requests that I didn't do.. Sorry guys again 😩😩

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