Stay Away

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**This Imagine is about a Possessive Justin, Thank you to my best friend Harryscurl01 for helping me through writes block and the ideas <3**

**Hope you guys enjoy**

Justin... I mean, I love him to death but, has been acting so weird lately. Weird.. No I wouldn't say weird almost like... He's attached to me. We only been dating for about a year or two? Why all of a sudden he's acting like this?

Justin's at the studio right now and I'm getting ready to go to the club with my friends. We haven't chilled in the longest since our careers always have us busy. So I'm excited for tonight.

Right now I'm wearing a nice black slick dress and my hair up in a big cute wrap around bun with my black pumps and my makeup look is a smokey eye with some red lips. For accessories I have my big hoop silver earring and my promise ring Justin gave me for Christmas.

"Hey beautiful." I hear Justin now say coming into the room grabbing my waist kissing my cheek.

"Wait, where the hell are you going?" He asked looking at my outfit raising his eyebrow.

"Out to the club with my friends." I said looking into the mirror fixing my hair just a tad bit.

"Not looking like that. Hell no." He said shaking his head.

"I don't see why not? There's nothing wrong with my outfit." You turned around raising your eyebrow.

"I don't want every guy eye fuckin what's mine." He gritted through his teeth.

"Justin... Calm down, if it makes you feel better you can come." You sighed walking over towards him.

"I would love to."He smirked sassily.

**_________At The Club_________**

We walked into the club and Justin had a tight grip on my waist the whole time ever since we walked out of the car. "Justin, you wanna go get me a drink baby?" I whispered in his ear as we finally made it in the VIP section.

He nodded and walked away with a stern look on his face. "This was suppose to be a girls night Y/N." Your friend sighed.

"I'm sorry, Justin's been very clingy lately and I really didn't bother arguing with him." You sighed.

They nodded. "Well let's go dance." She said grabbing your hand."

"Hold up let me just take off my earrings there already killing me." I laughed they nodded before going out to the dance floor.

You walked over to were there bags were and took of your earrings placing it by them. "Damn..." You heard a guy said to you.

You got up turning around to see a grown ass man trying to flirt with you. "Umh, may I help you?"

"Actually maybe you can help me..?" He smirked.

"I rather not.." You scoffed before walking away from him only to have him grab me.

"Get the hell off of me, you weirdo." You yelled pushing him off of you.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now