No More Surprises

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Justin spoils you but you keep telling I'm not to.

Hope you guys enjoy it 💕

You were coming home from work and you were exhausted Justin was off away on tour and, even though he didn't want you to get a job because he said he could take care of you. But you insisted that you make your own money.

You got to the house walking towards the front door unlocking the door before walking inside the house. You sighed throwing off your jacket and placing your keys in the bowl. You sighed walking upstairs wanting to take a shower we your phone starts going off in your pocket.

It was Justin wanting to facetime. You answered it.

"Hey babe, are you home?"

"I just got in." You said tiredly.

"Well, I need you to go get something out the closet for me."

You sighed and nodded continuing walking up the steps down the hall walking into yours and Justin's bedroom going into the closet then turning on the light.

"Okay I'm in the closet no-" you paused when you seen a whole bunch of Chanel bags and about a dozen or more of your favorite roses.

"Justin..." You whined.

"Yes my love." He said acting like he has no idea what your talking about.

"Your too much... I told you no more presents."

"I know but my baby deserves to be spoiled."

"Alright, no more presents or no more surprises Jay." You said sternly.

"No promises." He winks and then he hanged up.

"This boy I tell you.." You mumbled before placing your phone down.

"This boy what?" I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned around and seen Justin standing there in the door way.

"JUSTIN!" You semi yelled running over to him hugging him.

"H-how? I thought you were on tour for another couple of months." You said looking at him.

"I missed my princess." He said grabbing your jaw bringing it up making you look at him. He smiled wide at your before slowly bringing his lips to your lips connecting it he puts his hand on your waist and pulls you closer making you put your arms loosely around his neck.

"I missed you so much." He mumbled on your lips.

You pulled away with your arms still wrapped around him neck. "I missed you too.. Now no more surprises!" You laughed.

"Well...." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Justin!" You groaned hitting him lightly.

"Wait your really going to like this one." He said quickly walking out of the room.

You sighed and sat on the bed laughing. Justin came in with a box with holes on the side you looked at him curiously. He handed you the box and crossed his arms.

You opened the box to see a puppy with a red bow on it. "Awe Justin! She adorable!" You cooed at the puppy.

"She's a Yorkshire Terrier I'm pretty sure." He smiled wide.

"What should we name her!" You said looking at her she started licking your face making you laugh.

"How about Esther?" He said sitting down next to you.

"I love it!" You said looking at Esther.

"Okay Justin that's the last surprise right." You said sternly setting Esther down on the floor.

"We'll..." He said smirking.


"I'm joking babe.." He said pulling you on his lap kissing your lips.

HEY LOVELIES! Thank you for 1.06K reads ☺️💕 Do you guys like them? I hope so. Any requests?

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now