His Mate, Her Enemy

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Requested By: @meloveyouokay

Werewolf Imagine here bby's 🐺💕 this is quiet long.

I hate him...

I love her...

I can't stand him.

I can't stand being without her.

I could kill him right now.

I wish I could just make her mine right now.

He needs to stay out away from me.

I can't let her out of my life.

"Y/N! Let's go!" My father yelled from down the steps. "Coming!" I groaned grabbing my stuff running down the steps. "Where are we going again?" I questioned.

"Your going with your Uncle Y/N... I have a business trip to attend to." He helped me with my bags.

"I don't want to go with him... Why can't I just stay with you guys."

"I'm sorry Y/N." He sighed before placing everything in the car. He grabbed my face gently kissing my forehead. "We will be back before you know it."

"I love you dad." I muttered hugging him. "I love you too Y/N." He whispered back before a cab pulled up behind beeping. "Call me when you land." I told him sternly. He nodded grabbing his luggage getting into the cab.

I sighed getting into the car. "Hello Y/N." My uncle smiled at me. "Hello Uncle Percy." I smiled lightly. "I know you don't wanna be with me right now, but your father said I'm the only other relative that could watch you."

"It's fine." I replied lowly, I grabbed my phone plugging it my headphones placing on a song closing my eyes.

After getting settled into the house, I went outside sitting in the backyard laying on the hammock swinging back and forth lightly. I closed my eyes relaxing to the sun beaming on my skin.

Before I something hit me and next thing you know I was soaked with water. "What the hell!" I spat. I quickly got up looking around. "Omg, I'm sorry." A boy with short blonde hair chuckled jumping over the fence that separates the two yards.

"This is so not funny!" I yelled lowly looking down at my now soaked clothes. "Look it was an accident." He threw his hands up. I looked up into his big hazel eyes.

He just looked at me without saying anything. He stood there frozen. "Hello?" I waved my hands in his face. "O-oh, again I'm so sorry." He shook his head snapping back into reality.

"I'm Justin." He held out his hand shaking slightly. I crossed my arms, "Y/N." I muttered.

"Are you new here because I never seen you around here?" He scratched the back of his neck lightly.

"No." I simply replied, "I mean... You look lonely over here? Why don't you come over."

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow. "As in, come over and come swimming with me and my friends... No strings attached promise."

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now