The Escape

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*I hope you guys like this imagine.. I feel like it's a little push in a different direction? Idunno. lol."

"Mommy? What's going on?" You son Dylan asked looking scared.

You sighed before getting down on to his level. "Mommy will explain everything once we leave okay." You told him sternly before kissing the top of his head.

He nodded before walking away back towards his room. You sighed and continued packing, you can't deal with this anymore. The man you married and feel in love with, isn't the man he is today. Arguments every night & day. Sometimes they turn even physical... But, I rather not talk about it. You had to get out of this house before he comes back.

You started throwing every little import thing of yours in your suitcase not caring what order it was in. You looked at the room feeling anger come over you as what had happened in here. You took a deep breath and turn around picking up your suitcase.

"Going somewhere?" A deep voice said making your heart drop. It was no other then your husband Erick.

"Dylan lets go." You said walking past him before he pushed you right back into the room.

"Are you fucken trying to leave me Y/N. And take my son to." He gritted through his teeth angrily you can smell the mixture of alcohol on his breath.

"Dylan! I said lets go!" You yelled.

"Oh, your not going nowhere & Neither is he, think that your just going to get up and fucken leave me!" He yelled throwing something across the room hitting the mirror making it shatter.

You flinched, but stood your ground. "I'm leaving Erick." You said sternly picking up your suitcase walking towards him.

"I said your not leaving!" He yelled before grabbing you by your arm pushing you up against the wall with his hand on your neck.

"This is a fucken game Y/N." He whispered tightening his hand around your neck.

"MOMMY!" Dylan cried.

You felt your breathing start to slow down from lack of air. Before you finally grabbed the lamppost and hit Him in his face making him quickly fall to the ground and let go. You quickly caught your breath before you ran past him and picked up Dylan running out of the house getting inside the car.

"Come on, come on." You sai trying to start the car. Before you hear someone make contact with the window. Erick with a bloody face banging on the door. You quickly locked all the doors.

You hear Dylan crying in fear in the background. "Dylan. Mommy I'm going to need you to put on your seatbelt okay?" You said while placing on yours ignoring the fact that Erick is banging on the window. You checked if he placed on his seatbelt before you stepped on the gas quickly pulling out of the driveway driving off.

"Mommy are you o-okay?" Dylan said looking at you. You sighed and nodded. "I'm okay baby boy." You smiled lightly. You called him that name ever since he was first born. You couldn't think of a name for him so you called him baby boy.

"'Mommy we are we going?" He asked looking around in the car.

"Far away from your father as possible."

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now