The Disturbance |Mature|

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****Sexual Content, Foul Language, and some parts in this imagine may be ... Disturbing and uncomfortable to some.****

So this is a warning...

"I'll be back babygirl I promise." Jason kissed my lips. "You promised you and I would just stay in and have a lazy day." I sighed. "I know I did but something came up..." He trailed off.

"Something seems to always come up." I muttered throwing the covers off of us getting up. "Come on Y/N, please don't do this." He groaned getting up.

"Why, cause you know I'm right? You always are busy Jason! You know what I don't even care..." I throwing my hands up in frustration I began to slip over Jason's long white T-shirt.

"You knew what you were getting involved with when you decided to date me."

"Actually no I didn't, you kept this from me." I spat turning around. "I'm trying to protect you from this lifestyle!"

"Jason leave her if she wants to get herself killed so be it." Alex now walked into the room. "What is your problem with me Alex, ever since me and Jason started dating you been nothing but a total asshole towards me." I growled,

"Because, your too damn hard headed Y/N! You can't see people are trying to protect you, and your being too damn stubborn to just listen to them, so you wanna get yourself killed fine. But Me or anyone else in this house isn't going to give a fuck when you do." He pressed.

"Let's go Jason." And with that he walked out of the room. "I hate him." I shook my head feeling tears come to my eyes. "Ignore him... Just please promise me you won't leave while I'm gone."

"I won't leave..." I whispered. "Y/N." He warned gently grabbing my face. "I won't leave," I paused grabbing his face back. "I promise."

He smiled lightly and kissed my lips. "Jason!" Alex yelled from down the steps. He groaned pulling away kissing my lips once more before leaving.


Later on that night.....

I heard the front door open and close meaning Jason and the gang is probably back.

I peeked my eyes open seeing it's only 1:30am... That's unusual because the boys usual don't get back to atleast 3.

I shrugged it off closing my eyes, moments later I felt the bed lower and a pair of lips press against my lips. "Jason I'm tired... Not now." I muttered keeping my eyes closed.

But he kept going but... Rougher. "Jason stop." I groaned not even bothering to look at him. It wasn't long before he grabbed my side digging his face into my neck biting and sucking on it to the point where I started to feel extreme pain.

"I said stop!" I yelled quickly turned around to see the person was not Jason. "Hello Y/N." The man smirked before I quickly grabbed anything that was close to me hitting him with it rushing out of the bed.

It wasn't long before he grabbed my leg making me fall hard. "You can't run from me Y/N." He smirked. "W-What do you want." I spat.

"I-" he paused holding his hand up as the front door opening as the sound of the boys came into the house.

He quickly went over to me grabbing my neck. "Say a word and I'll snap your neck and kill you." He gritted through his teeth as he dragged me into the closet.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now