The Mistress |Part 4|

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AN://  Little Story: So, my mom asked me to go get some groceries from the store which was about 2-3 blocks away from my house, anyways On my way home this car was like slowly driving behind me. Guys, i was about to either die or get kidnapped. You don't know how scared I was 😭😭.

"Excuse me Mr. Do you know where my mommy is?" I heard Amelia's voice making me raise my eyebrow.

"That's your mommy?" I heard another voice that sounds very familiar.

"Yup, she's missing and we need to find her." Amelia spoke, I walked into the room seeing mama, Amelia and..... Justin?

"Mommy! Your not missing!" Amelia said running over to me hugging my legs. "The man came looking for you and we thought you were missing." She looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes.

"Justin? What are you doing here." I questioned picking up Amelia placing her on my side. "I didn't have your number, but I have your address so I came here to get your number." He smirked,

"Why don't you stay to eat Justin?" Mama offered.

"Ma, that's really not-" "I would love to Mrs. L/N."

"Great, I'll get it started Amelia, come help me in the kitchen." Mama said holding out her hand for Amelia to grab.

I placed her down. "Coming nana." She ran over towards mama and held her hand. "Bye mister." She waved before they walked over towards the kitchen.

"So, you have a daughter?" He raised his eyebrow at me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here Justin, your not suppose to be here."

"Like I said before, I was here to get your number. But how come you didn't tell me you had a daughter after all the stuff I told you?" He looked shocked.

"Yeah, you told me all that but the fact you had a wife right?" I sassed back crossing my arms.

He shut his mouth biting the inside of his mouth. "Did have a wife, is this baby daddy?" He questioned picking up a picture of Amelia and her father.

I felt a pain in my chest. "U-Umh... He died a couple years ago.... From a car accident." I spoke softly playing with my hands.

"O-oh... I'm sorry." He spoke quickly, "It's fine." I mumbled shaking my head.

"You know, I always wanted kids." He trailed off looking at the photos of Amelia and her father.

"You don't seem like the type?"

"The appearance of who you are, is only a illusion to what's truly behind yourself." He spoke.

"Mrs. L/N this is delicious what is it." Justin muttered placing a spoon full of curry chicken with white rice in his mouth."

"Oh you must tell how you make this." He smiled placing the spoon down. "Well if you must know..." She trailed off,

I began eating my food feeling Justin's hand crawl up my thigh close to my area. I quickly grabbed his hand giving him a warning look,

He ignored me and continued looking a my mom with a sly smirk on his face. "Don't you dare." I gritted though my teeth in his ear.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now