The Disturbance |Part 3|

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****Sexual Content, Foul Language, and some parts in this imagine may be ... Disturbing and uncomfortable to some.****

^^^^ Y/N's Leg^^^^ I literally cringed at that picture, no joke.

Jason's POV

3 weeks later....

"Don't stop." I moaned tugging on this girls hair. She smirked before going back down, before my whole mood just changed. "Actually stop.." I muttered.

"Why daddy." She gave a pouty face going back down making me even more disgusted. "I said stop!" I yelled grabbing her by her hair pulling her by her hair. "Owe Jason your hurting me." She cried before I rolled my eyes and let go.

"I thought we were having a good time?" She raised her eyebrow. "Having a good time?" I chuckled.

"Your pussy smells like a sewer for one, your moan sounds like a damn car trying to start up for two, and for three... You ever heard of something called mouthwash. Because clearly I'm not the only one you been giving head to."

"Your such an asshole." She spat throwing the pillow at me before grabbing her stuff walking out of the door. "Another one Jason really." Alex groaned as she stood in front of him.

"Hey." She smirked. "No thanks I rather not taste dick in my mouth." Alex mushed her face making her move to the side. "Leave." He shooed her off.

"Are you going to keep this up Jason?" Alex came towards me. "Bringing in hoes every other night."

"Keeps me company." I shrugged, "man... Y/-"

"Don't bring her up." I growled, "so that's it your just giving up," he scoffed. I chuckled and stood up fixing myself.

I walked over towards where a bottle of liquor was placed grabbing a glass pouring a drink chugging it down. "You know, why should I care... My asshole of a brother wanted to keep my biggest secret from me, my fathers an asshole too... And my girlfriend well, she's nowhere to be fucking found, presumed to be dead. So why don't you do me a favor and cut me some slack and leave me the fuck alone." I spat pouring another drink.

"I couldn't tell you." He trailed off, I chuckled and chugged down the drink once more. "For my "safety." For my "protection." Alex, if you haven't noticed... I'm nowhere near safe, I never fucking safe. But you lying to me... Is nothing but low."

"Y/N wouldn't want you like this, you can't just go off and fucking girls just to get your mind off of stuff!"

I laughed lowly grabbing the bottle taking a huge sip. "You know, why don't you take this bottle of liquor." I shoved it to him. "And shove it up your ass." I spat walking out of the door.


I groaned hearing the door open once again appearing Johnson. "You might wanna open you eyes to see this love." He spoke coming closer. I mentally rolled my eyes opening them.

"Here to torture me some more." I mumbled under my breath. He chuckled throwing a pile of photos at me. "What is this." I raised my eyebrow looking at the pictures.

It was Jason..... With some girl... And, they were... "So much for Lover Jason Boy." He chuckled. I shook my head before throwing the photos.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now