Bad Days |Part 3|

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"Your going to the hole." He gritted in my ear. Before forcefully pushing my forward. I walked forward and kept walking until he took out his keys opening a door. "Isn't the hole is outside." I said confused.

"It is... But, your not going outside." He smirked before grabbing me roughly taking me down in the room.


Justin's POV

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I yelled as he dragged me down the stairs.

"Nobody could hear you down here Bieber." He laughed finally dragging me do the steps.

He pushed me before pulling out his gun. "Walk." He said pressing the gun on my back.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I said stop walking back.

He shot at the ground making me jump. "Walk." He pushed me. I stumbled forward walking.

He then pushed me into this room. "Wanna play a game Bieber." He smirked reloading his gun.

"Actually I rather not." I said walking back before he pushed me on the ground.

"Too bad." He laughed he grabbed me by my jumpsuit. He placed me by the pipe, taking out his keys as I watched him carefully. He uncuffed me then started leaned forward under the pipe. I then lifted my leg up and kicked him making him groan and hit is head on the pipe. I quickly move out from under him.

"That's it Bieber..." He laughed getting up.

I shook my head before running. "What the hell is the place." I mumbled looking around finding myself getting lost.


I quickly looks around seeing there was a bunch of barrels I quickly hid behind it holding my breath. "Come on, we can talk about this." He laughed walking forward now seeing his flashlight turn on.

I moved my foot making the barrel move making a screeching sound. "Shit." I mumbled.

"Well, hello there." He smirked before pointing the gun at me.

"Any last words?" He smirked.

"Yeah... Fuck you." I spat. He laughed before pulling the trigger.

"BANG! BANG!" Two gun shots go off and I immediately felt pain. I look down to see blood all over my jumpsuit now. I look up breathing heavy to see him smiling before he dropped to the floor... Behind him was Chase?

"Shit, shit. Are you okay man." He said running over towards me grabbing something to put pressure on that wound.

"I'm fine..." I gritted through my teeth.

"What are we going to do about this." I closed my eyes leaning back.

"Your going to do nothing.... I got this." He said picking me up.

"No no man, I can't..." I gritted through my teeth.

"Listen, you got a life when you get out of here.... I don't. Now go." Chase said sternly.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now